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Words of the Week

Nosedive –
As noun – Drop / Plunge

Nose – dive –

As verb – Plunge / Decline

Antonym- Rise / Climb

Abstain – Cease / Refrain / Withhold/ Forbear

Antonym – Continue / Embrace

It is a verb.

Abstinence – Chastity / Self – restraint / Avoidance / Shuffle

Antonym – Indulgence / Intoxication

It is a noun.

Arsenal – armoury / Factory / Magazine / Helper / Aider / Equipment

Antonym – Debt

It is a noun.

Propagation – Extension / Stretch / Reach / Tension / Reproduce / Multiply

Antonym – Conceal / Hide

It is a noun.

Vermin – Hound

It is a noun.

Demeanour – Behaviour / Attitude

It is a noun.

Splurge – Endeavour / Persevere

It is a noun.

Breadwinner – A man / woman who earns money to support his / her family

It is a noun.

Exponent – Index / Example / Illustration / Interpreter

Antonym – Antagonist / Opponent

It is a noun.

Relics – Debris / Ruins / Remains / Memorabilia / Vestiges

It is a noun.

Breakneck – Rapid / Galloping / Dangerous / Risky

Antonym – Safe / Slow

It is an adjective.

Heinous -Shocking / Damned / Horrific / Disgusting / Abominable

Antonym – Desirable / Acceptable

It is an adjective.

Defame – Condemn / Slander / Denounce / Blame / Calumniate

It is a verb.

Rigorous – Accurate / Burdensome / Strict / Tough

Antonym – Careless / Imprecise

It is an adjective.

Home Task – 1. Try to use these words and their synonyms and antonyms to make sentences.

2. Try to change the parts of speech of these words.