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Words of the Week


As adjective –

unforeseen / random / conditional / incidental / accidental / inadvertent

Antonyms – designed / planned / definite / regular / systematic

As noun –

Possibility / delegation

Indelible – indestructible / lasting / enduring / memorable / unforgettable

Antonyms – delible / erasable

It is an adjective.

Implore – beg / petition / pray / beseech / appeal / plead / urge

Antonym – suggest / imply / command / demand

It is a verb.

Mythology – folklore / tradition / lore / belief / legend

Antonyms – reality / actually / history / truth

It is a noun.


As verb –

Jump over / jump / ascend / rise / bounce / rocket / skip / soar

Antonyms – descend / decline

As noun – bound / escalation / upswing / upsurge / hop

Emoluments – allowance / payments / reimbursement / profit / income / salary / wage

Antonyms – debt / penalty / loss

It is a noun .

Seize – grab / snatch / catch / grasp

Antonyms – free / let go / loosen / unfasten

It is a verb.


As an adjective – inaugural / virgin / unmarried / original / first / foremost / initial

Antonyms – ultimate / last / final / latter / deflowered

As a noun – girl / made / virgin