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Words of the Week

Words of the Week

Delight – Pleasure / Thrill / Joy
Antonym – Displeasure

It is a noun.

Takeover – acquisition/ Buy .

It is a noun.

Take over – Stand in / undertake

It is a verb.

Antonym – Withdraw / Take back

Summit – Peak / Top /Height

Antonym – Trough

It is a noun.

Apathy – Indifference

Antonym – Interest

It is a noun.

Ragging – An act to tease or taunt someone in a loud .

It is a verb.

Anti Ragging – An act to stop or prohibit ragging .

It is a verb.

Inflation -Flatulence , Distension

Antonym – Deflation

It is a noun.

Layoff – Discharge /

Dismissal /

A period of time when someone is not employing or playing sport. /

An act of ending a worker’s job.

Antonym – Hiring/ Employment

It is a noun.

Diaspora – A group of people settled far away from their homeland./

A group of people spread from one original country to other countries.

Antonym- immigration / gathering / arrival / concentration

It is a noun.

Collapse – Downfall / Decline / Fall

Antonym – Boom

It is a noun .

Dip – Immersion / Pitch / Hole / Downhill

Antonym – Rise

It is a noun.

Shrink– Retreat / Wrinkle/ Narrow / Curtail

Antonym – Expand / Stretch

It is a verb.

Inclusive – Including

Antonym – Exclusive

It is an adjective.

Commemorate – Show respect for someone or something

Antonym – Ignore

It is an adjective.

Revive – Come to life again

Antonym – Die

It is a verb.

Ambit – Circumference / Periphery / boundary / range / sphere

It is a noun.

Extradition – expulsion/ deportation/ displacement/ banishment

Antonym – return / repatriation

It is a noun.

Inauguration – Commencement

Antonym – Conclusion

It is a noun.