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Words of the Week

Havoc – As noun –

Chaos / mess / calamity / Catastrophe / jumble / confusion

Antonym – order / system / blessing / construction

As verb –

loot / plunder / ravage / despoil

Antonym – build / create

Jitters – anxiety / shakes / shivers / butterflies

Antonym – calmness / composer

It is a noun.

Sacrosanct – sacred / holy / venerated

Antonym – blasphemous / irreverent

It is an adjective.

Vroom – hurry / race / rush / dash

It is a verb.

Logjam – congestion / bottleneck / jam / halt

Antonym – continuation / advance

It is a noun.

Cuddle – caress / curl up / bundle / smuggle / clasp

Antonym – release / push away / shrink / shy

It is a verb.

Seminal – influential / important / ground -breaking / original

Antonym – unproductive / unoriginal

It is an adjective.

Heiress – successor / beneficiary / assignee / inherotress / co – heiress / A person who inherits possessions

Antonym – giver / payer

It is a noun.

Nix – reject / refuse / decline / veto / dismiss

Antonym – grant / approve / allow / let

It is a noun.


As adjective –

stingy / miserly / parsimonious / penurious / scarce

Antonym – munificent / generous

As adverb –

Stingily / odiously / meagerly / insufficiently / abominably

Antonym – tolerably / adequately

Culmination – Pinnacle / zenith / apex / climax / peak

Antonym – bottom / minimum / anticlimax / nadir

It is a noun.

Reciprocity – cooperation / exchange / peace / collaboration

Antonym – hostility / antipathy

It is a noun.

##Home Task- 1. Make sentences with these words.

2. Try to change the parts of speech of these words.