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Words of the Week

Lapis lazuli – A bright blues stone , used in jewellery. / aquamarine

It is a noun.

Interlocutor – interrogator / speaker / middleman / conversationalist

Antonym – listener

It is a noun.

Eavesdropper – busybody / snooper / hearer / gossip

Antonyms – ignorer

It is a noun.

Contrary – contradictory / adverse / antithetical / opposite

Antonym- harmonious /agreeable

It is an adjective.

Temblor – earthquake / quake / upheaval / tremor

Antonym – stillness / stability

It is a noun.

Inevitable – irresistible / unavoidable

Antonym – evitable

It is an adjective.

Emanation – sprouting / protuberance / beginning / derivation / emission / effluence

Antonym – completion / conclusion / inflow / inpouring

It is a noun.

Ninepins – bowls / skittles / a game which is played by rolling a bowling ball down a bowling alley to target nine wooden pins

It is a noun.

Emancipation – liberation / freedom / manumission / independence /

Antonym – enslavement / bondage / imprisonment / hold

It is a noun.

Deterrent – Obstruction / Traverse / hurdle / barrier

Antonym – Incitement / impetus

It is a noun.

Reparation – apology / redress

Antonym – sympathy / penalty

It is a noun.

Meagre – thin / lean /miserable / exiguous

Antonym – fat / stout

It is an adjective.

Sprout – As noun –

germination / burgeon / kid / child / coral

Antonym – halt / adult

As verb – germinate / emerge / blossom / flow out

Reluctant – unwilling / disagreeing

Antonym – keen

It is an adjective.

Atrocity – barbarity / horror / awfulness / dreadfulness

Antonym – good behaviour / kindness

It is a noun.


As noun – agreement / promise / guarantee

Antonym – break / breach

As verb – vow / commit / deposit / pawn

Antonym – renege / buy back

Home Task –

1. Use these words to make sentences. Use these synonyms and antonyms also.

2. Try to change the parts of speech of these words.