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Words of the Week

Mudslinging – Libel / scandal / Defamation / Disparagement

Antonym – Approval / Flattery

It is a noun.

Pariah – Outcast / Leper

Antonym – Insider

It is a noun.

Apocalypse – Annihilation / Catastrophe

Antonym – Good fortune

It is a noun.

Pinnacle – zenith / top / apex / peak

Antonym – Bottom

It is a noun.

Butterflies in the stomach – anxious / uneasy / nervousness / collywobbles

Antonym – calm / happy

Alderman – councillor / senator / representative / legislator / assemblyman

Antonym – common citizen

It is a noun.

Reprieve – deferment / abatement / pause / interruption

Antonym – continuation / progress

It is a noun.

Locus standi – A person’s to to be a party in any legal case which affects the person sufficiently

It is a noun.

Luminary – dignitary / celebrity / eminence / notable

Antonym – Nobody

It is a noun.

Profligacy – Corruption

Antonym – Morality

It is a noun.

## Home Task – 1. Use these words and their synonyms and antonyms to make sentences.

2. Change the parts of speech of these words.