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Words of the Week

Retract – Bring brack / Refuse / Repeal / Recover / Recall / Back down

Antonym – Acknowledge / Approve

It is a verb.

Dwindle – Diminish / Reduce / Wane / Abate / Decay / Decrease

Antonym – Ascend / Enhance / Enlarge / Expand / Increase

It is a verb.

Purge – As Noun –

Removal / Atonement / Laxative / Liquidation

As Verb –

Loosen / Evacuate / Clean out

Antonym – Dirtying / Maintenance

Ballooning – Dilating / Ventricose / Expanding / Flying

Antonym – Deflated / Collapsed

It is an adjective.

Doomsday – Apocalypse / Catastrophe / Last day / Judgement Day / End of the world

Antonym – Windfall / Good fortune

It is a noun.

Merriment – Joy / Cheer / Exhilaration / Glee / Gladness

Antonym – Misery

It is a noun.

Rebuttal – Disproof / Refutation / Vindication

Antonym – Acceptance

It is a noun.

Glitch – Bug / Defect / Malfunction / Mishap

Antonym – Perfection / Advantage

It is a noun.

Encroachment – Intrusion / Trespass / Extravagance / Expedition

Antonym -Respecting / Upholding

It is a noun.

Posthumous – after death / post mortal / postmortem

Antonym – antemortem

It is an adjective.

Blatant – Conspicuous / Gross / Outrageous / Bold / Awesome / Terrible

Antonym – Furtive / Concealed / Inconspicuous /

It is an adjective.

Spadework -Effort / Drudgery / Endeavour

Antonym – Rest / Leisure

It is a noun.

Scavenge – Lurk / Search / Stroll / Hunt

Antonym – Ignore / neglect

It is a verb.

Buoyancy – Strength / Vigorousness / Jauntiness / Enthusiasm / Resilience

Antonym – Weakness / Inadequacy

It is a noun.

Denigrate – Stain / Slander / Defame / Vilify / Besmirch / Criticize / Disperge / Malign

Antonym – Praise / Compliment / Applaud Exalt / Approve / Honour

It is a verb.

Surreal – irrational / weird / absurd / strange / phantasmagoric / dreamlike

Antonym – realistic /lucid / sane / wise /

It is an adjective.

Turmoil – trouble / unrest / commotion / disturbances / confusion / strife

Antonym – order / tranquillity / calm / hushes

It is a noun.

## Home Task – 1 . Use these words and their synonyms and antonyms to make sentences.

2. Change the parts of speech of these words.