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Use of Apostrophe – Rules and Examples

Uses of Apostrophe ( ‘ ) –

In English it is very important to know the rules to use apostrophe in the proper way .

An apostrophe is a punctuation mark used to show possession of a noun or to show contracted form of words .

Use of Apostrophe for showing Possession –

1 . Use Apostrophe ( ‘ ) + ” s ” with nouns that don’t end withs ” –

i . It is used with singular nouns that has a possession.


This is my father’s property .

This is our school’s ground .

ii . It is also used with collective nouns that don’t have ” s ” at the end.


Their team’s logo has changed .

It is our family’s garden .

iii . It is also used with Plural nouns that don’t end with ” s ” .


There is a children’s corner in the museum .

She open women’s parlor.

2 . Use only Apostrophe ( ‘ ) with Plural Nouns that end withs ” –

Example – This is a kids‘ school .

This is a girls‘ college .

3 . Use Apostrophe with Singular Nouns that end withs ” –

i . Generally we can use apostrophe + ” s ” or just an apostrophe with the singular nouns end with ” s ” . Both are correct but depend on personal choice and style guide.

Example – This is a glass‘ shop .

This is a glass’s shop .

It is a bus’s engine .

It is a bus‘ engine .

All of the above are correct .

ii. But for words which are same in singular and plural forms , we use only Apostrophe if these words end with ” s ” .


Please bring the scissors‘ container .

4. Use of Apostrophe when two Nouns possess or own same thing

In that case we use Apostrophe + ” sonly to the second noun.


Rony and Roji’s project was fantastic.

Juli and Zarina’s house is very nice .

5 . Use of Apostrophe for Plural Numbers and Letters – We can use apostrophe + ” s ” with Plural letters and numbers .


Count the number of 3’s in 23.03.1933.

You used extra i’s in your writing .

Use of Apostrophe to Omit Letters or for Contraction or shortened version of words

1 . We use apostrophe for the contraction of words .

Contractions are combination of two other words in English language.


Am – I am – I’m

Ar- We are – We’re

What are – what’re

Is – It is – It’s

Who is – who’s

Will – She will – She’ll

What will – what’ll

Have – I have – I’ve

Who have – who’ve

Had – He had – he’d

Who had – who’d

Would – They would – They’d

Who would – who’d

Is not – Isn’t

Let us – Let’s

Can not – Can’t

Should not – Shouldn’t

Would not – Wouldn’t

Would have – Would’ve

do not – Don’t

did not – didn’t

does not – doesn’t

could not – couldn’t

are not – aren’t

has not – hasn’t

have not – haven’t

had not – hadn’t

shall not – shan’t

might not – mightn’t

must not – mustn’t

will not – won’t

may not – mayn’t

need not – needn’t.

ought not – oughtn’t

Some other contractions

you all – y’all

Tell them – Tell’em

I am going to – I’mma

Some more – S’more

Do you – D’you

Apostrophe to shorten other words –Swimming – swimmin’

Moving – movin’

Afraid – ‘fraid