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Studying the insects?- To know more about insects

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How to study the insects?


How to study the insects? Entomology is the scientific study of insects and their interaction and relationship with environment. It is an important branch of Zoology . The term has derived from two words – one is ancient Greek word entomon, means ‘ insect ‘ and other word is logia , which means ‘ study of ‘.

Person who are experts in this study are called ‘Entomologist‘ . Insects cover more than two – thirds of all known living organisms and they have many kinds of interactions with human beings and other species. So Entomology is very important . It has also a great role in pest control also.

Entomologists have great role in pest control, agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, chemistry, biology, human health, animal health, criminology, forensics, molecular biology and science, biotechnology , food science, pharmacology etc.

According to entomologists there are almost ten quintillion insects alive in the earth at any time . Still 80% of insects are yet to be identified. So Entomology is a very important study of Science.

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