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Science: Cryogenic Rocket Engine

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Brain Q

Store of GK

Days of the March

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Current English

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Cryogenic Rocket Engine

It is an engine which uses cryogenic fuel and oxidizer, which are gases liquefied and stored at very low temperature.Cryogenic engine uses Liquid Oxygen or LOX and Liquid Hydrogen or LH2 as propellants which liquefy in very low temperature- at -183 degree centigrade and -253 degree centigrade respectively. This propellants are to be pumped by turbo pumps running at around 40000 rpm. they are fed by individual booster pumps to the main turbo pump to ensure high flow rate of propellants into the combustion chamber.

Cryogenic rocket stage provides more thrust for every kilogram of propellants compared to solid and earth -storable liquid propellant rocket stages. It is technically very complex compared to solid or earth-storable liquid propellants.

This highly efficient engine has used efficiently in space science by few countries in the world. It is one of the valuable factor in NASA’s success in reaching the Moon by the Saturn V rocket. Countries like U.S.A., Russia, France, Japan , China and India are using it efficiently. ISRO is using it in its project efficiently also.

In India first team was made to build cryogenic engine in 1982. Some early experiments happened in 1986-87, then an Russian agreement happened in 1991.But it was not worked because Technology was not transferred. India managed to import seven such engines from them. Then Indian cryogenic programme fomalised in 1994 when Govt. of India provide a budget of Rs. 300 crore. Journey started for indegenous technology to launch cruogenic engine .After few tests, preparation, first integration with rocket was possible in 2007 , first flight was occured in 2010 but not succeeded . First successful flight was possible in 2014. It is very vital for GSLV or Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle.IN 2014, on 5th January GSLV D-5 successfully sets GSAT-14 communication satellite in orbit . CE-20 is also a cryogenic rocket engine , which is the first Indian cryogenic Engine to feature a gas – generator cycle. This was designed by LPSC(Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre) ,ISRO and manufactured by HAL and first flight happened on 5th June,2017.

Funny English

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1. He started to tale a tell for the the students. —- Write a sentence like this with the use of two words with same pronunciation, like’ tale’ and’ tell’.

2. Close— i. He is very close to me. ii. The library closes at 8:00 hrs. at night. iii. The case came to a close. iv. Her birthday is coming close. v. The matter is very close. —– Here the word ‘ close ‘ has used in different meaning and as different parts of speech. Write the meaning and parts of speech of ‘ close ‘ in different sentences above.

Brain Q– Check it now

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1. A boy walked towards East for 55 metres, then he turned to his left and walked 27 metres. He walked again to his left for 55 metres and then returned to his starting point. How much area he has covered ?

2. 1+2+3+4+……………+50= ?

3. Which greatest number consisting three digits can make a perfect square ?

4. Showing a girl , Rahul said – ‘ She is the girl of my grand father’s only brother.’ State the relationship of this girl with Rahul?

The Store of GK

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Some International Organisations, established years and their Head Office—–

OrganisationEstablished inHead Office
United Nations1945New York – U.S.A.
International Labour Organisation
or ILO
1999Geneva- Switzerland
World Meteorological Organisation or WMO1950Geneva- Switzerland
World Trade Organization or WTO1995Geneva- Switzerland
World Health Organisation1948Geneva – Switzerland
Food and Agricultural Organisation or FAO1945Rome-Italy
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development1944Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
UNESCO1946Paris- France
International Monetary Fund or IMF1945Washington.D.C., U.S.A.
International Court for Justice1945The Hague- Netherlands

Special Days of March in 2020

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1st March- Zero Discrimination Day , World Civil Defence Day

3rd March- World Wildlife Day, World Hearing Day

4th March- National Safety Day

6th March-National Dentist’s Day

8th March- International Women’s Day

10th March- CISF Raising Day

11th March( Second Wednesday of March)- No Smoking Day

12th March- World Kidney Day

13th March- World Sleep Day

14th March- World Pi Day, International Day of Action for River

15th March- World Consumer Rights Day

16th March- National Vaccination Day in India

18th March- Ordnance Factories Day in India

20th March- International Day of Happyness, UN French Language Day , World Oral Health Day

21st March- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, World Forestry Day, World Down Syndrome Day, World Poetry Day

22nd March- World Water Day

23rd March- World Meteorological Day , Shahid Bhagat Singh’s Martyrdom Day

24th March- World Tuberculosis Day

27th March- World Theatre Day

28th March- Earth Hour Day

News for Time- The Current News

Corona Virus, The World Wide Danger

Novel Corona virus started to spread at the end of December 2019 in Wuhan City , Hubei Province of China. The disease is now called as CONID- 19 or Corona virus Disease 2019 . The virus is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona virus 2 or SARS-CoV-2. Now it has become a world wide Epidemic . Many countries have taken the way of lock down to stop community transmission and to control the danger. Washing hands, use of alcohol based sanitzer , soap, self quarantine, social distancing are all the measures to control the spread of the Virus. Who has already declared it as World Wide Epidemic.Almost 192 Countries have affected by this Virus.

On 24th March Almost 384429 people are affected world wide , 16591 people died by this Virus. 102536 people recovered from this affect world wide. Italy has crossed China in perspective of death in this virus- (Italy-6, 077, China-3277). (Source- ; 24th March,2020; 09:32 GMT)

In India 492 people are affected, 37 of them cured and 9 of them died. (Source-COVID-19 updates on 24.03.2020 at 10:30 AM from Help line number of Govt. of India’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Help Desk) In India Govt. has taken steps of lock down in many parts of country to control the virus. Centre Govt. and State Govt. has taken every initiative for the well being of people. They have opened help desk to help common people on this matter. Govt. of India has provided a number- 9013151515 as help line number of COVID-19 help desk. People can save this to their contact and send hi through whatsapp to this number. Then they can get information from this number through whatsapp in their mobile. They can also get state wise help line number from this.

Current English

1.Epidemic– When a large number of people affected by same infection, the situation is called epidemic. (Noun)

2. IsolationA state of separation from others and staying alone. (Noun)

3. Lockdown- A situation when people are not allowed to leave or enter a specific area or building for emergency. (Noun)

4. Pandemic- Widely spread over a large part of world or country. (Adjective)

5. quarantine- A specific period of time for which a person or an animal is kept in isolation ,may be for the reason of disease. (Noun)