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Sentence – Definition, Parts, Types and Examples

What is Sentence ?

When a group of words come together to express a meaningful thought , then it is called a Sentence. It is a set of words and it has subject and predicate.

Example – He is a good boy.

Parts of Sentence –

There are three important elements of a sentence . we are going to describe them-

1. Subjects -The subject of a sentence is a person, place ,thing etc. Basically in a sentence who or which is / are doing or being the verb , can be called as the Subject.

Example – She goes to school everyday. Here in this sentence who goes to school everyday? The answer is she. So ‘ she ‘ is the subject.

2. Predicates – Predicate of a sentence contains a verb and rest of the part except the subject. So it is also a compulsory part of a sentence.

Example – He runs very fast. In this sentence ‘ He ‘ is subject , ‘ runs ‘ is verb , ‘ runs very fast ‘ is predicate.

3. Objects – Object explain the action of the verb. Sentence can be formed without any object also. So it is not compulsory element. It provide further details to expand the sentence.

Example – He went to the market.

Here ‘ He ‘ is subject, ‘ went ‘ is verb, ‘ to the market ‘ is object. If we ask ‘ Where did he go?’ Then the answer is ‘ to the market.’ So it is the object , which is expanding the sentence . Verb + Object = Predicate.

Types of Sentence –

1. Declarative or Assertive Sentence –

When a sentence makes a statement or expresses any fact , it is called declarative sentence or Assertive sentence. This sentence ends with full stop.

Example – The ground is very large.

2. Imperative Sentence –

Sentence that expresses any request , command or advice, is called imperative sentence.

Example – Go and open the door .

Please give me a glass of water.

3. Interrogative Sentence –

When a sentence asks a question , it is called interrogative sentence. It ends with a question mark.

Example – Where are you going now ?

Did you go there ?

Wh Sentence or Wh Question – If a sentence or question starts with ‘Wh’ words ( who, what, when, where, whom, which, whose, why and how ) then it is called Wh Sentence or Wh question.

4. Exclamatory Sentence –

When a sentence expresses emotion or excitement , it is called exclamatory sentence. It ends with an exclamation ❗ mark.

Example – How beautiful the place is !

Also sentence can he divided into –

5. Affirmative Sentence – Sentence expresses positive response or approach.

Example – We shall present there.

6. Negative Sentence – Sentence expresses negative response or approach.

Example – We shall not absent there.

As per the number of clause presents in a sentence , sentence can be four types

1. Simple Sentence – When a sentence has just one independent clause , it is called simple sentence .

Example – He is a student .

2. Compound Sentence – This type of sentence has at least two independent clauses and they are generally joined together with and, but, or, not, either, neither .

Example – He is honest and social .

He is poor but honest.

3. Complex Sentence – This type of sentence has an independent clause and at least onc dependent clause.

Example – The meeting will start when he will come .

‘The meeting will start’ – independent clause. ‘ when he will come ‘ – dependent on clause.

4. Compound – Complex Sentence – It is a sentence which has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.

Example – When he returns home , his mother comes, and opens the door.

Though he was genius, he did not join the extra class , but he was happy to play in the ground.