Quiz on International Women' Day

Welcome to your Quiz on International Women' Day

1. International Womens' Day is celebrated everyyear on-

2. When Socialist Party of America organised a Womens' Day in New York  City-

3. When United Nations General Assembly invited member states to proclaim March 8th  as the  UN Day for Womens' Rights and World Peace-

4. The United Nations started celebrating International Womens' Day in International Womens' Year in-

5. What was UN theme for International Womens' Day in 2019-

The UN Theme for International Womens' Day for 2020 is-

7. As per the source ,un.org - Women earn ------%  less than men globally

8. As per the source, un.org- Women occupy just -------% of perliamentary seats worldwide

9. An Agenda for Sustainable Development has taken bu UN Women for Gender Equality by-

10. In India on occassion of International Womens' Day which Award has presented by the President Ram Nath Kovind to  women achievers of the year 2019-

11. Mohana Jitarwal, Avani Chaturvedi and Bhawana Kanth recieved Nari Shakti Puruskar because they are the first Indian Air Force fighter pilots. They were first women to take a solo fight in-

12. 'Miracle from Chandigarh' Mann Kaur, 104 year old recieved Nari Shakti Puruskar in 2020 for her achievements in-

13. Padala Bhudevi from Telengana achieved Nari Shakti Puruskar in 2020 for her work through a community based organization - CAVS or Chennai Adhivasi Vikas Society  for-

14. Rashmi Urdhwardeshe, contributed for the signing of MOU with Michelin India to drive forward collaborationin automobile technologies projects in India, achieved Nari Shakti Puruskar in 2020 for her work for-

15. Arfa Jan was awarded Nari Shakti Puruskar for her service to revive the culture and heritage of-

16. 96 years old Karthiyani Amma and 105 years old Bhageerathi Amma wer jointly awarded Nari Shakti Puruskar in 2020 for their contribution towards -

17. Known as the 'Lady Tarzan' of Jharkhand Chami Murmu  was awarded Nari Shakti Puruskar for her work towards protecting local wildlife. She has planted more than-

18. Nilza Wangmo was conferred with the Nari Shakti Puruskar. Her restaurant is the first one to serve traditional-

19. Kalavati Devi was awarded with Nari Shaskti Puruskar for taking a vital role to create awarness regarding the-

20.  Tashi and Nungshi Malik , founders of Nungshi Tashi Foundation , aims to develop mountaneering as sport and empor girls, were awarded Nari Shakti Puruskar. They were first female twins to scale-

21.  Kaushiki Chakraborty was honoured with Nari Shakti Puruskar. She was awarded-

22. Bina Devi , known as 'Mushroom Mahila' was awarded Nari Shakti Puruskar  for her contribution to the popularisation of-

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