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Pronoun – Definition, Types and Examples

Definition of Pronoun – A pronoun is a word that is used in the place of a noun to avoid the repetition of a noun in the sentence.

Example – He , She, They, Her, etc .

Types of Pronouns

There are several types of pronoun, they are –

1 . Personal Pronoun – This pronoun refers to a particular person , so it is called Personal pronoun . Three Types of persons are used and personal pronoun can be singular or plural in number .

Example – First Person – I , we, Us

Second Person – you

Third Person – He , She, Her, Him, They , Them, It

Personal pronoun can be divided in two types-

i . Subject Pronoun – When a Personal pronoun is used as a subject or in a nominative case .

ExampleHe is working fine .

Here He is a subject.

ii . Object Pronoun – When Personal pronoun is used as object .

Example – I give him the book .

Here him is an object .

Some Personal Pronouns used as Subject– I , We , You , He , She, They, It

Some Personal Pronouns used as Object – Me , Us , You , Him, Her, Them, It

2 . Possessive Pronouns – These are the pronouns indicate the possession of one thing to another or one person to another and show ownership .

These are – mine , yours, ours, hers, his, its, theirs , whose.

Example of sentence

This gift is yours .

Those bats are ours .

Here yours and ours are Possessive Pronoun .

3. Demonstrative Pronouns – These are the pronouns that replace nouns in a sentence indicating something in a given sentence . They also indicate distance from or closeness of the speaker.

These are – This , these, that , those , none , neither, the same ,such .

These can be singular or plural.

Example of sentences

This is my brother’s toy .

None of the above gives the right answer.

Here This and None are Demonstrative Pronouns.

4 . Reciprocal Pronouns – These pronouns are used to show the mutual relationship for two or more people .

These are – each other- It is used to refers two people .

one another – It is used to refers more than two people .

Example of sentences

Sujan and Rohit discussed their ambition with each other.

The players blamed one another after losing the game.

5 . Interrogative Pronouns – This pronouns are used in a sentence to ask a question .These can be used as subject or object .

These are – who , what , which, whom ,where, whose, how

Example of sentences

What is the name of your school?

Who is your drawing teacher ?

6 . Reflexive Pronouns – This type of pronouns redirect a clause or a sentence back to the subject , which is also the direct object of that sentence. These act as a subject and also as an object .

These are –myself , yourself , itself, himself , herself , ourselves, themselves.

Example of sentences –

You must take care of yourself .

This players can coach themselves.

7 . Relative Pronouns – These are the pronouns indicate to previously mentioned nouns and also these can be used to join two sentences .

These are – who , Which , Whom , Whose , When , Where, Whoever, Whatsoever, Wherever, That

Example of sentences

I know your sister who is a teacher .

I shall travel the place where you travelled recently.

8 . Intensive Pronouns – These are the pronouns used to give importance or emphasize but don’t act as an object in the sentence .

Example of sentence

I will bring it myself .

We try to complete the task ourselves.

Here myself and ourselves are used to express intention. So they are Intensive Pronouns.

9 . Indefinite Pronouns – These pronouns are used in a sentence to indicate the things which are not specific .

These are – All , Any , Anybody, Anyone, Anything ,Another, Both, Each, Each one, Everybody, Everyone, Everything, Either, Few, Many ,More ,Most, Much, Neither, Nobody, None, No one, Nothing, Other, One , Plenty, Somebody , Some, Something, Someone, Whatever , Whoever, Whichever, Whomever .

Example of sentences –

I don’t know anyone in this office.

He has done everything as per plan.