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Practice Set on English Grammar – Let’s Test Your Skill

Fill in the blanks with suitable articles and prepositions –

He is one ——- ———- bright students ——– his class . He has —– attitude which is very attractive ——- the other students. He has —- unique and nice handwriting. He is also very intelligent ————- all ——— students ——- his class. He always reach —— school —— time. He used to take seat just —————— the teacher’s desk. He completes his lessons regularly ——- home and always get appreciation ———- ——— teachers.

Fill in the blanks with proper forms of words given in the brackets-

Rohit ——————— (take ) the prize of man of the match in today’s match. He —————————- ( play ) cricket for almost last ten years. He —————– ( use ) great technique while batting . He ————————— ( have ) the form of his life now. We hope he ——————————- ( join ) the elite club . He —————– ( include ) in the squad with a big hope and he ———————– ( do ) this .

Let’s do as directed –

She is a good girl in her class. ( Change the bold word to Superlative Degree and re-write the sentence again )

David is very efficient and he can do the design easily. ( Change the sentence to Simple Sentence )

He can still complete the long race in time. ( Change it to Compound Sentence )

Zaheer is a good engineer and he has built many beautiful buildings. ( Change to Complex Sentence )

His father always brings quality products for him. ( Change to Interrogative Sentence )

Never be too late to start . ( Change to Affirmative Sentence )

Her teacher advised her for not wasting any time to become successful in Science . ( Change the Narration )

Ajay requested his friends, ” Please provide me the details of the lectures provided in the classroom yesterday “. ( Change the Narration )

These are the basic things. You must know these. Then You can be successful. ( Join the Sentences into a Single Sentence )

Suman was so genius to find the answers easily of some questions provided to him by his teacher. ( Split the Sentence into three separate sentences )

Change the voice –

He has paid the money immediately just after the admission.

Raman worked in his home to repair the gadget .

I trust that they will keep their promise in future .

He was taking the leading role in the very first match of the tournament.

Who has done the work with so much skill ?

The builder requested the designer to provide the finishing touch to the interiors.

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