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Person in English Grammar, Types and Examples

Definition of Person –

In English grammar Nouns and Pronouns can be divided into different types of Person to distinguish among who is the speaker, to whom something is speaking , about whom something is speaking.

There are three types of Person

1 . First Person – It refers to the ‘ Person ‘ who is speaking or it refers to the speaker .

They are – generally – ‘ I ‘ ( singular ) and ‘ we ‘( plural ) .
Both of these Pronouns are subjective because they are used as subjects .
Example – I did the job .
We play football everyday.

But there are other First Person Pronouns also , they are – ‘me ‘ and ‘ us ‘ in objective sense and ‘ my ‘, ‘ mine ‘ , ‘ our ‘ and ‘ ours ‘ in possessive cases.

2. Second Person – It refers to Pronouns to whom something is speaking or to the listener.

They are – ‘ you ‘, ‘your ‘ and ‘yours‘ . ( Can be used to indicate both singular and plural form )

Example – You must join the meeting.

3. Third Person – Every other Pronouns ( except First Person and Second Person ) and nouns are Third Person . They are neither speakers nor listeners. Speaker used to speak something about themselves.

They are – All the ‘ Nouns ‘ , like – Himalaya , book , Volga, sky etc. and other Pronouns like –

Singular form –
he‘ , ‘ she‘ , ‘his,’ ‘ her ‘ , ‘ him ‘, ‘hers,’ ‘ it ‘ and ‘ its

Plural form –
they ‘ , ‘ them ‘, ‘ their‘ and ‘ theirs

Example of Sentences
He is very skillful .
They play football everyday.
Himalaya is very large .
The book has hundred pages.