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Para Jumble Exercise

Here is a simple Para Jumble exercise. Some sentences are given below in jumbled order and rearrange these sentences to make a meaningful and coherent paragraph.

A . She drove the truck for 10 days to cover a distance of 1000 kms from Tamilnadu and Visakhapatnam SEZ .

B. Now she is a celebrity truck driver.

C ..She was given a green channel to cross the border and also got the opportunity to unload the truck more quickly than others.

D . She became the first woman trucker to cross over Bangladesh through Petrapole border checkpost.

E . She got special treatment both in India and Bangladesh borders.

F . Annapoorani Rajkumar, a 40 years old Indian woman created history.

G . She reached the Petrapole border between West Bengal and Bangladesh on 20th April, Saturday at night.

H . She was carrying cotton yarn.