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Para Jumble – Definition, Types, Examples and Process

What is Para -Jumble – When sentences of a paragraph are jumbled or not in proper sequence and assigned with some letter or letter , it is called Para Jumble.

What to do in ParaJumble exercises – In this type of exercises we need to write or arrange the jumbled sentences in proper order .

Types of Para- Jumble :
1 . General type or Old pattern type – In this type , some sentences are given in jumbled order and we have to arrange those in proper sequence to link them to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.

Here are some sentences given in jumbled order and labeled with A, B, C, D . Rearrange these sentences to make a meaningful and coherent paragraph –

A . Her name is Susan.

B. She is a good girl.

C. I have a sister.

D. Everyone loves her.

C . I have a sister .  –

A .  Her name is Susan.-

B. She is a good girl.

D. Everyone loves her.

How it is done –

‘C’ is placed first because it introduces the subject. ‘A’ is placed next to complete the introduction of the subject. ‘B’ is placed third to express the general quality of the subject. ‘D’ is placed fourth to express the outcomes of her quality.

2. Fixed Sentences type –

In this type of Para- Jumble exercise , the positions of few sentences are fixed and we need to change the position of other jumbled sentences to make a meaningful and coherent paragraph.


Here some sentences are given below. Sentences labeled with ‘A’ , ‘B’ and ‘H’ are in fixed order. But other sentences are in jumbled order .

A . One day a lion was sleeping inside his den .

B. He wanted to kill the mouse.

C.  Suddenly a mouse entered his nose.

D . Few days later, the lion was caught under a hunter’s net.

E. The lion caught the mouse .

F. The mouse prayed for life and promised to help him in future.

G. The lion left the mouse free.

H. The mouse came and cut the net to save the lion.

I. The mouse kept his promise .


A . One day a lion was sleeping inside his den .

C.  Suddenly a mouse entered his nose.

E. The lion caught the mouse .

B. He wanted to kill the mouse.

F. The mouse prayed for life and promised to help him in future.

G. The lion left the mouse free.

D . Few days later, the lion was caught under a hunter’s net.

H. The mouse came and cut the net to save the lion.

I. The mouse kept his promise .

How it is done –

‘A’ is fixed and also placed first because it introduces the story .  ‘H’ is also fixed but placed just before the last sentence because it was signifying the last sentence.  ‘I’ is also fixed and placed at the end to express the lesson or moral of the story. Other sentences are placed as per the cause – effect scenario of the story.

3. Omission or Irrelevant Sentences type

In this type , some sentences are given ( It may be a single sentence ) which are not related with the main theme of the paragraph or these are odd sentences . We need to find these out and rearrange other sentences to make a meaningful and coherent paragraph.

Example –

A . It moves around the Sun.

B. The Earth is a beautiful planet .

C . There is also water which is needed for life.

D. Jupiter is a larger planet than Earth .

E. We all live on the Earth happily.

F. There is a favorable atmosphere for living beings on the Earth .

G . It gets heat and light from the Sun .

H . So the environment of the Earth is suitable for us.

I . Mars also moves around the Sun.


Here are two sentences which are irrelevant –

D . Jupiter is a larger planet than Earth.

I . Mars also moves around the Sun.

The rearranged order of other sentences are given below –

B . The Earth is a beautiful planet .

A . It moves around the Sun.

G . It gets heat and light from the Sun .

F. There is a favorable atmosphere for living beings on the Earth .

C . There is also water which is needed for life.

H . So the environment of the Earth is suitable for us.

E. We all live on the Earth happily.

How it is done –

At first those irrelevant sentences are identified. Then ‘B’ is placed first to introduce the paragraph. Next ‘A’ , ‘G’, ‘F’ and ‘C’ are placed to describe the Subject of the paragraph. Then ‘H’ and ‘E’ are used to express the effect or importance of the subject .

Process of solving Para – Jumble:

1 . Follow the procedures in above examples to understand the it easily.

2 . Try to find out the introduction or introductory sentence to start the paragraph.

3. The sentences come next that give more specifications of the introduced subject .

4 . Story generally starts with once, one day , once upon a time.

5 . Article ‘a’ and ‘an’ also used to introduce someone or something.

6. Pronoun – ‘I’ can be used at the beginning also.

7. Other Pronouns like he, she, him, her, it, they, their, them generally used to indicate  someone which has been already introduced. So these are not used at the beginning.

8. Always try to indentify irrelevant sentences if any to make them out.

9. Try to find out the fixed sentences if

10. Try to understand the central theme of the paragraph. Then arrange as per the basics of cause and effect.

11. Comperative Adjectives like  taller, smaller, more beautiful, stronger etc. generally used to express relation of comparison with others.

12. Moral of the story and paragraph comes at the end.

13. The incidents that signify the moral must come before the end sentence.

14. Conjunctions or connenctives like but, and, though, although, if , since, alternatively, yet, after, besides, then, so, because, for, when,  meanwhile, whoever, whatever, whenever, however, notwithstanding, nevertheless, moreover, whereas, therefore, furthermore etc. may exist in sentences. This type of sentences never start the paragraph.