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Ozone Layer and World Ozone Day – Let’s have fun to know ওজন স্তর ও বিশ্ব ওজন দিবস

Ozone gas and Ozone layer is very important part in the study of Geography, Environmental Science, Biological Science , Physical Science, Climatology etc. for different classes and level of Education. So attending this test will help you gaining a good knowledge automatically and also will test your knowledge.

Welcome to your Ozone Layer and World Ozone Day Test

World Ozone Day is celebrated every year on -
Ozone is a gas composed of ---------oxygen atoms.
When energetic ultraviolet radiation breaks oxygen molecule into seperate oxygen atoms and a free oxygen atom joins with ---------------to form ozone.
Ozone is mostly concentrate in which layer of atmosphere ?
Highest concentration of ozone gas or ozone layer is between an altitude of -
Ozone gas was discovered by -
Ozone layer in atmosphere was discovered Charles Fabry and Henry Buisson in -

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The most common unit to measure ozone concentration is --------
Dobson Unit is named after Gordon Dobson who invented the first instrument to measure total ozone from the ground. The name of the instrument is -
Ozone layer is protecting us from harmful ----------rays of the sun .

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In 2020 we are celebrating --------years of ozone layer protection.
Vienna Convention for the protection of the ozone layer was happened in ----------. So we are celebrating -----years of this convention in 2020. Fill in the blanks with -
The gases cause harm to ozone layer are called ----------, used in aerosols and cooling like refrigerators and air - conditionetrs.
Some halon chemicals like CFCs and HCFCs are dangerous for ozone gas. The full form of CFCs and HCFCs are -
Some chemicals like methyl bromide, methyl chloroform , carbon tetrachloride and -------------are ozone depleting elements.
In 1985 three scientists J. C. Farmen , B. G. Gardiner, J.D. Shanklin published in Nature journal about the depletion of ozone over Antarctica, which is called -
Depletion of ozone is dangerous to damage plants, crops, nature, ecosystem and also causes-

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The Montreal Protocol to protect the ozone layer was drafted in ------ and in -------- United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 16th September as International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer to commemorate the signing date of the Montreal Protocol. Fill in the blanks with -

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The Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol became the first treaties to achieve universal ratification in the history of United Nations on 16th September -------- and an amendment occured in 2016 to Montreal Protocol in Kigali of Rwanda, is named -----------. Fill in the blanks with -t
The theme and tagline for 2020 World Ozone Day -

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