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Nouns – Definition, Types , Examples and Functions

What is Noun ?

Noun refers to any naming word. It is a word that refers a person , animal , place, thing , concept , group etc.

Example – Himalaya is a large mountain πŸ”οΈ .

Here Himalaya is noun.

I like children .

Here children is noun .

Types of Noun –

There are several types of Noun –

1 . Proper Noun – It refers the names of specific people, animals, thing, place or concept . The first letter of a Proper noun is always a capital letter.

Example – Rohit lives in Delhi .

Here Rohit and Delhi both are Proper nouns , they are referring specific people and place respectively.

Exception – Seasons’ name are exception to the rule of Proper noun , where we don’t use capital letter at the beginning.

Example – l like autumn .

2. Common Noun – It refers to a class of people, thing, place or concept but never specify someone or something.

Example – city πŸ™οΈ, country , children, etc.

3. Concrete Noun – It refers to physical objects or things or individual which we can see and have physical existence.

Example – Chair πŸͺ‘, bat πŸ“, banana 🍌,book πŸ“– ,etc.

4. Abstract Noun – It refers to idea, feelings, concepts, processes and can’t be physically touched or seen .

Example – justice βš–οΈ , happyness , etc.

5. Collective Noun – It refers to a group of people or things together.

Example – batch , team

6. Countable Noun – These refers to nouns which can be counted .

Example – table , pen πŸ–ŠοΈ, book πŸ“š, pencil ✏️ , etc.

There is a table in my study room .

There are five books in my bag .

Here we can count the number of the table and books . So they are Countable noun.

7. Uncountable Noun – These refers to nouns which can’t be counted .

Example – water 🌊 , oil , salt πŸ§‚, sugar , etc .

8. Singular Noun – These are the nouns, singular in number .

Example – Man , Woman , Cat 😺, Dog πŸ• ,Fish 🐟 , etc

Sentence – They have a pet dog .

9. Plural Noun – These are plural form of singular nouns .

Example – Men , Women , Cats , Dogs , Fishes , etc.

Sentence – There are many cats in their house .

10. Material Noun – These nouns refer to substances made of tangible material .

Example – gold πŸͺ™, coal , iron πŸ§‡ , etc.

She has a passion for buying gold .

11. Possessive Noun – These are the nouns followed by apostrophe (‘) s and it indicates the possession. In case of plural noun ends with ‘ s ‘ , we need to add just apostrophe (‘) after the the ‘ s ‘ .

Example – He lives in his father’s house 🏠.

12. Attributive Noun – These are the nouns act like adjectives to modify other nouns .

Example – He like ginger tea β˜• .

Here ginger is a noun which is acting like an adjective to modify tea .

13. Appositive Noun – It comes after another noun to provide additional information about it . If it gives necessary information then no other punctuation is used between this two noun but if it gives extra information which is not necessary, we use commas .

Example – My friend Susan has a great voice .

His laptop , an MacBook, is really great. πŸ’»

Here Susan and MacBook used as Appositive noun .

14. Gerunds / Verbal Noun – When a noun is identical to the present participle of a verb , it is called gerunds.

ExampleWriting is my hobby . πŸ–‹οΈ

Driving is his passion. πŸš—

Here Writing and Driving are gerunds because they are acting as noun but identical to present participle form of verbs write and drive .

15 . Regular Noun – These are the nouns , don’t change in spelling when changed to plural forms . Only regular plural suffixes are attached to make plural ( like s , es , etc . )

Example – Cat – Cats , Dog – Dogs , Mango πŸ₯­ – Mangoes , Fly – Flies

16. Irregular Noun – These are the nouns, change in spelling when transformed to plural forms from singular forms .

Example – Man – Men , Tooth – Teeth

17 . Compound Noun – When two or more nouns appear together, even with other parts of speech and create idiomatic compound nouns .

Example – mailbox , six – pack , brother – in – law, etc.

Functions of Noun – Nouns can have different types of function in sentences –

1 . Subject – When noun is a subject . ExampleFather is reading newspaper πŸ“°.

Here noun ‘ Father ‘ is subject .

2 . Object

Direct object – He has a new laptop πŸ’».

Here ‘ laptop ‘ is direct object.

Indirect object – I gave my brother a new pen .

Here ‘ brother ‘ is an indirect object.

3. Possession – My daughter’s car is very nice .

Here ‘ daughter’s ‘ used to indicate possession .

4. As Adverb – Noun can be used as adverb also .

Example – They are going to perform today .

Here today is acting as adverb .

5. As Adjective

Example – The tea garden is very beautiful.

The school building is very large .

Here tea and school are acting as adjective.

6. Object of Preposition

Example – White is the colour of peace .

Here the noun peace is acting as object of preposition.