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National Cancer Awareness Day in India- Some facts to know জাতীয় ক্যানসার সচেতনতা দিবস

1. National Cancer Awareness Day is observed in India on 7th November .

2.It is observed every year since 2014 to spread awareness about cancer prevention and early detection.

3.National Cancer Control Programme was started in India in 1975 and it was modified in 1984-85.

As per the information of the portal of ” India Against Cancer “-

4. In India almost 1.1 million new cases of cancers detected every year but twothird of which detected in advanced stage.

5. One woman dies in every 8 minutes in India in Cervical Cancer.

6. Almost 2.5 million people are living with cancers.

7. Cancer of oral cavity and lungs account for 25% of deaths in males and breast and oral cavity cancer account for 25% deaths in females.

8. As per a report tobacco causes almost 14 types of cancers.

9. As per WHO India’s share was around 8.17% of total deaths due to cancer in the World.