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Modal Verbs – Definition, Types and Uses with Examples

What is Modal Verb or Modal Auxiliary Verb ?

A modal verb or modal Auxiliary verb is a type of verbs that expresses the distinction of mood . They are helping verbs like to show intent, possibility, ability, necessity, obligation, permission, advice, etc.

Most common modal verbs are -can, could, must, may, might,should, shall, will, would .

Some others are – ought to , used to , need to , have to , got to , dare .

Semi modals or modal phrases – have to, need to, used to, ought to, Don’t have to, Doesn’t have to, mustn’t, , shouldn’t etc .

Examples of sentences –

I can do the job .

Can you do it ?

May God bless you.

I would like to listen to the speech.

Types of modal verbs

1 . Expressing Ability – can, could .

He can finish the game .

Negative form

You can’t do this without my help .

He could perform better .

2 . Possibility – may, might, could , can

Though its tough , but you could do this .

She may join us .

Negative form – She may not join us .

It might be raining today .

3. Permission – can, may, could – These are used to seek or to give permission .

May I come in ? ( May is used for polite and more formal questions )

Can I go there?

Negative formCan’t I go there ?

You may join the meeting now .

4 . Request – will, would, can, could

Will you share your experiences please ?

Can you give me a glass of water?

Would you like to help me ?

5 . Suggestion / Advice – should , ought to

You should read enough .

Negative form – You shouldn’t stop reading .

6 . Command – must, have to , need to

You must clean your dresses .

You have to complete the task .

You need to come before the prayer .

Negative form – You must not do that again .

7 . Obligation / Necessity – must, have to, need to, should , will , ought to

They have to wait for their coach . ( Obligation )

You must plan to get success . ( Necessity )

Negative form – I don’t need to hire the cab .

They ought to practice enough.

8 . Habit – will , would , used to , might

He used to walk in the morning .

I will join the meeting early as usual .

I would like to listen to the music .

9. Likelihood – Some things likely to happen but can’t be a definite fact . must, should , ought to- these areused for this .

He must be happy now .

You should be relaxed now .

He ought to be there by now .

10 . Expectation – shall, should, will, would

He should achieve a good result .

They will get the trophy .

I would thank them if I get a chance to speak .

10 . Enquiry – can, could , will

Can you help to use mediclaim policy ?

Could you rent your apartment?

Will there be any vacancy next month ?

11. Preference / Offer – would , will

Would you like to take tea ?

Would you prefer the window seat ?

Will you take a little more tea ?

12 . Moral duty – ought to, should

We should respect our teachers .

You ought to be polite to others .

Negative form – You ought not to have this behavior to your companion .

Modals can be divided broadly in three categories

1 . Epistemic – relating to speculation

2 . Deontic – relating to regulations

3. Dynamic – relating to performance .

Modal Verbs and Tense– These verbs don’t change their forms to make different tenses . Only few of these can refer to Past Tense , like – could, might, should, would . But they are also used in Present and Future Tenses. Sometimes they can be used as the Past form of can, may, shall, will .

We use ‘ have ‘ after the modal verbs but don’t use has or had . To use modal verbs in past, the form is – modal verb + have + past participle form of verbs. We don’t use had .

Example – He might have done this .

Some other rules of Modal Verbs –

We can’t add any ‘ s ‘, ‘ es ‘, ‘ ing ‘ with the main or base verbs which are used just after the Modal Verbs.

Example – He can do this . ( Correct ) He can doing this . ( Incorrect ) He can does this . ( Incorrect )

We can’t use ‘ to ‘ after the Modal Verbs.

Example– He should try to find out the solution . ( Correct )

He should to try to find out the solution. ( Incorrect )