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Match Phrasal Verbs with Their Meaning

Try to match the Column ‘ A ‘ with Column ‘ B ‘

Try it yourself, then you can find the answers at the end –

ColumnA ‘ ————- —– ColumnB

1. Blow out — – – — a. Rejected

2. Ask for. ——— b. Restore

3. Brought up. — —— c. Tolerate

4. Came out. ——— d. Find the


5. Catch on. ———- e. Followed

6. Went after. ———- f. To


7. Check out. ———– g. Established

8. Deal with ———— h. Published

9. Hand on. ———– i. Leave a


10. End up. —————- j. Understand

11. Kept back. ————– k. Reared

12. Calm down. ———— l . Pass on

13. Get together. ———— m. Confusion

14. Put back. ————- n. Concealed

15. Set up. —————- o. Reaching to

a Conclusion

16. Let down. ————— p. Get relaxed

17. Turned down ———— q. Disappoint


18. Mix up. —————— r. Doing

everything to solve a problem

19. Put up with. ———— s. Meet together

20. Figure out. —————— t. Request for


Answer – 1-f , 2 -t , 3- k , 4- h, 5 – j, 6 – e, 7- i , 8- r, 9- l, 10 -o, 11-n, 12-p, 13-s, 14-b, 15-g, 16-q, 17-a, 18- m, 19- c, 20 -d.