Activity– Making a Family Photo Collage.
** Make it under the supervision of your parents or any other guardians.
Objectives– * Remembering the happy moments.
*Adding Creativities with Relationships.
*Enhancing the bonding with other family members.
*Getting appreciation from parents.
How to Create– 1. Students are so unique and creative so they can make this with their own creative abilities. Still we are providing a basic idea.
2. Students can take a thick board as the base of the collage.

3. Then they can measure the board as their need.
4. Then use a white or glossy or colourful paper or art paper to cover the board. They can use glue.

5. Then they can use borders around the base. Even they can use colours, sketch pens, glossy colours, or any other designs.

6. Then they can draw, use colours or designs on this paper.

7. Then they need to select some images as per their need.
8. Draw some boxes on the designer base and use glue to attach those images within those boxes.
9. Now your collage is ready. it can be kept on your table or can be fixed on your wall
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