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Learn the Use of Some Phrasal Verbs

1. Our teacher can’t tolerate any indiscipline.

2. Hope you must recover perfectly from the disease.

3. My grandmother forgot to remember her childhood friends’ names.

4. I am very tired after a whole day of work.

5. Don’t quarrel with each other in the workplace.

6. The team will reach the victory point.

7. Don’t depend on others for your success.

8. The students continue to prepare for the next attempt.

9. Examiner will carefully examine the answer scripts.

10. He is so brilliant to understand the solution.

11. The visitors will stay at the hotel for an week.

12. The tiger attacked the deer .

13. The officer recorded the data in a pen drive.

14. The new principal will accept the charge within a few days.

15. Workers have been exhausted after a very hard day in the factory.

16. The oldest man in the village died yesterday.

17. In this advanced world we can’t always stay behind.

18. He experienced great suffering during his illness.

19. Your child must stay away from bad guys.

20. The thief ran away with a ladies bag.

Try to solve by yourself – Read the bold words in the above sentences and try to match with these phrasal verbs given below.-——-

done up, keep on, made off, call up, ran at, hang on , bear with, get at ,came round, hold back , set down , take over , went through, put up , worked out , fell out, keep from, passed away, make out, looked through,

Answers – 1. bear with 2. came round 3. call up 4. done up 5.fell out 6. get at 7. hang on 8. keep on 9. looked through 10. make out 11. put up 12. ran at 13. set down 14. take over 15. worked out 16. passed away 17. hold back , 18. went through , 19. keep feom 20. made off