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Mahatma Gandhi and his leading role in Indian freedom movements

1. Champaran Movement(1917)-

After returning in India from South Africa in 1915, it was the first rebellion in Bihar in 1917 in which Mahatma Gandhi took leading role for the well being of farmers . They were tortured by the British to grow indigo and other cash crops in their land and to sell those in cheap price to British. There was also pressure of heavy taxes on them. After the movement an agreement was made to canceled the hikes in revenue and to control the poor condition of farmers.

2.Kheda Movement(1918)-

By the affect of flood and famine the yielded crops was destructed at Kheda village, Gujrat in 1918. The farmers requestedBritish Govt. to exempt the tax but it was refused. Then a movement was launched by the farmers in which leading role was taken by Mahatma Gandhi and Vallabhbhai Patel. Govt. threatened them with the seizure of their land. After a struggle of five months Govt. was agreed to give relief to the farmers from paying tax and also returned farmer’s seized property.

3. Khilafat Movement(1919)-

In 1919 the Muslims in India organised Khilafat Movement against British to restore the status of the Caliph in Turkey. Gandhiji took a very significance role with Muhammad Ali, Shaukat Ali,Maulana Abdul Bari,Abul Kalam Azad, Maulana Mahmud Al Hasan and others in this movement.He returned his medals received from the British Empire in South Africa. His role and Affect of this movement made him the face of the National movement in India in very quick time.

4. Non-Cooperation Movement(1920)-

The incident of Jallianwala Bagh was one of the main reason for launching this movement against British in India by Mahatma Gandhi in 1920. He started this movement with all his spirit to prove the power of non-cooperation against the Govt. It brought the idea of Swaraj in Indian freedom movement. Everywhere in the country people started to boycott those establishments, schools, colleges and offices run by British. But the incident of Chauri Chaura in 1922 where 23 police officials were killed, forced Gandhiji to stop the movement.

5.Salt March or Dandi Movement(1930)-

This movement was started by Mahatma Gandhi when he started a Satyagraha againsts the salt tax in India in March, 1930. He marched 388 kilometres from Ahmedabad to Dandi in Gujarat to make salt with thousands of people with him.

6. Quit India Movement(1942)-

This movement was launched on 8th August , 1942 by Mahatma Gandhi and National Congress during the time of second World war to rule out British from India. He delivered ” Do or Die ” or ” Karenge ya Marenge” speech to inspire the people. As a result all the leaders of National Congress were arrested immediately. But the movement and the protests were everywhere across the country. Somehow British managed to suppress the protests but after this movement they understood their time of rules India were over. after Second World War they made clear to handover the power to Indian.

Quote of The Time-

“Tough times never last, but tough people do.”– Robert H Schuller.

The Book for Ever–

Gitanjali ( Song Offerings ) –

It is a collection of poems written by the world famous poet Rabindranath Tagore, who received Nobel Prize in Literature in the year of 1913 specially for this books and its English version , ‘Song Offerings ‘.

The book was published on 14th August,1910 and Published in English in November,1912 . The main Subject and theme of the book is- ‘Devotion to God’.This book became very popularin the Western countries . It is part of the UNESCO Collection of Representative Works.

The Pride of India-


This mausoleum of white marble is located on the right bank of Yamuna River at Agra in Uttar Pradesh, India and built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favourite wife Mumtaz Mahal.

It is located in a vast Mughal Garden of nearly 17 hectares with the mosque, guest house, main gateway, the outer courtyard and its cloisters. The construction was started in 1632 A.D. and completed in 1653 A.D. There also exist historical and Quaranic inscriptions in Arabic script. Ustad Ahmed Lahori was the main architect of the Taj Mahal. The construction was completed by some 20000 artisans under the guidance of a board of architects.

It is one of the best architectural setup in the range of Indo-Islamic architecture. In 2007 more than 100 million people voted to choose seven wonders of the World and Taj Mahal was chosen one of the seven wonders of the World.

It was designated as World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1983 because it is ” one of the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world’s heritage”.

Writing Skill-

Suppose ‘English’ is your favourite subject. Write ten sentences on how you can enjoy this subject in your study.


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