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ISRO Successfully Launched GSLV – F-14 / INSAT – 3DS Mission

ISRO successfully launched the GSLV- F-14/ INSAT – 3DS mission on Saturday, 17th February, 2024 at 5:30 PM from SDSC – SHAR, Sriharikota. The vehicle successfully placed the satellite into the intended geosynchronous transfer orbit ( GTO ). The nickname of this GSLV rocket is naughty boy.

GSLV or Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle is a three – stage 51.7 meter long launch vehicle having a liftoff mass of 420 tonnes. INSAT – 3DS satellite is a follow – on mission of third generation Meteorological satellite from Geostationary orbit.

GSLV-F14/ INSAT 3DS mission is fully funded by the Ministry of Earth Sciences
( MOES ) . Various departments of MOES such as IMD or Indian Meteorology Department, NCMRWF or National Centre for Medium – Range Weather Forecasting , IITM or Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, NIOT or National Institute of Ocean Technology, INCOIS or Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services and various other agencies and institutes will use the data provided by INSAT- 3DS to provide better weather forecast and meteorological services.

Some main objectives of the mission are –

1 . To monitor Earth’s surface , carry out Oceanic observations and it’s environment in various spectral channels of meteorological importance.

2. To provide the vertical profile of various meteorological parameters of the atmosphere.

3. To provide the data collection and data dissemination capabilities from the Data collection platforms or DCPs.

4. To provide satellite aided search and rescue services.

A . Answer the questions below – 1×4=4

1 . What is the full form of GSLV ?

2. What is the nickname of the GSLV
rocket  ?

3. From where did ISRO launch the
mission ?

4. What is the full form of INCOIS ?

B. Complete the sentences with information from the passage –  1×3=3

1 . ISRO launched the mission on ————————-.

2. The vehicle successfully placed the satellite into ———————————.

3. The mission is fully funded by —————————————————-.

C . Answer the questions in below in details –
1 . Write the names of the various departments who will use the data of this mission ?

2. What are the primary objectives of the mission ?

D.  Give a suitable title to the passage and provide your reason to choose the title.    2

    Writing Skills –

1 . Write a Precis based on the above passage.         10

2. Write a newspaper report based on the above passage.     10

3. Write a short paragraph on the
mission .    10

4. Suppose you regularly note down every special incident in your diary. Now write your diary describing your feelings on the launch of GSLV INSAT – 3DS mission .     10