You are currently viewing Introductory ‘ There ‘ – Concept, Details, Uses, Examples

Introductory ‘ There ‘ – Concept, Details, Uses, Examples

Introductory ‘ there ‘ is used in a sentence to introduce the subject that follows the verb and also to indicate the existence of something or someone or happening of something.

1 . To introduce the subject –

There is Mr. Roy to supervise the task .

There is a manager who can guide you .

In both of these sentences there is used to introduce ‘ Mr. Roy ‘ or ‘ a manager ‘ who can supervise or direct .

2 . To indicate the existence –

Examples – There are few temples in our village .

There is a large green field in our school.

There is a good relationship between us .

There were some problems to solve .

In these sentences there is used to express the existence of few temples ,a large green field , good relationship, some problems.

3 . To indicate the difference –

Examples – There is a huge difference between two teams.

There are many differences between a village and a city .

Here there is used to indicate the existence difference or differences .

4 . To indicate a place –

Examples – There is a desert 🏜️ in Rajasthan.

There are many species in the rain forest .

Here there is used to indicate the places – Rajasthan , the rain forest.

5 . To replace has or hav or had –

Examples – There is a playground in our school . ( Replacing has – Our school has a playground )

There are five rooms in our house . ( Replacing have – We have five rooms in our house )

There were some old furnitures in the office . ( Replacing had – The officer had some old furnitures )

6 . To indicate something happens regularly –

Example- There is a light and music show in every evening.

There is a regular practice session in our club .

7 . To indicate something will be happen or something was happened –

Examples – There will be a magic show in our school .

There was drama performed by the villagers .

8 . To show something in continuous form –

Examples – There are some men working together. ( Present Continuous )

There were some men working together. ( Past Continuous )

There will be some men working together. ( Future Continuous )

9 . To indicate something is happening for some times –

Examples – There have been some discussions since the morning .

There has been a discussion for three hours.

There had been a vacancy for two years when I joined the post .

9 . To indicate plans, ideas , thoughts, techniques, tricks –

Examples – There is an idea to do the job.

There are few techniques you need to know .

10 . To indicate possibility, probability or responsibility by using modal verbs after there –

Examples – There must be a result in the match .

There might be a rain next week.

There should be some some respect for your teachers.

In all these type of sentences we use be after the modal verbs.

Use of be verbs after introductory there –

Present Tense – is ( for singular subjects or objects ) and are ( plural subjects or objects )

Examples – There is a man who can do this .

There is a park in the town .

There are few students who can complete the task .

There are few parks in the town .

Past Tense – was ( for singular subjects or objects ) , were ( plural subjects or objects )

Examples – There was a manager to guide them .

There was a big tree beside the field .

There were some students to complete the project .

There were some old furnitures in the office.