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Introductory ‘ It ‘ – Concept, Uses, Examples

IntroductoryIt ‘ –

Sometimes a sentence can be started with ‘ It ‘ to introduce the Subject. This is called introductory ‘ It ‘ .

We use ‘ is ‘ after ‘ It ‘ in Present Tense , we use ‘ was ‘ after ‘ It ‘ in Past Tense and we use ‘ will be ‘ after ‘ It ‘ in Future Tense .

Some rules and examples to use introductoryIt ‘ –

1 . To indicate a Subject which is an Infinitive Phrase

Examples – It is better to try again .

It was essential to complete the project in time .

It will be great to achieve success in the final.

In these sentences all the highlighted portions are Infinitives phrases , that include infinitive verbs ( to + base verb )

2 . To indicate a Subject which is a Clause


It is obvious that she will prepare well .

It is uncertain whether he can complete the task in time .

This can be used to indicate a clause to inform or to notify or to certify or to approve something .


It is hereby notified that the annual sports will be held next week.

It is hereby informed that the condition of the field is not suitable for the match .

It is hereby certified that your institution has qualified the quality check successfully.

It is approved that the project will be enlisted in our list .

3 . To indicate some general beliefs or perception

Examples -It is believed that nobody can break the record .

It is said that students with higher marks opt for science .

4 . To emphasize the subject it introduces


It is Rohit who can do the job.

It was Rohit who did the job.

It will be Rohit who will do the job .

5 . To indicate a date, day, time, year -Examples

It is Sunday today.

It is 10 o’clock in the morning when I start for my office .

6 . To indicate the condition of weather –

It was very hot yesterday .

It is really cool today .

7 . To indicate something continuous in nature

Examples– It is raining now .

It was raining yesterday .

8. To indicate something continuous for some times


It has been raining for two hours .

9 . To indicate a Subject that follows a Participle Adjective


It is a talking doll .

It is a completed project .

Here in these sentences ‘ talking ‘ and

completed ‘ are Participle Adjectives.

10 . To indicate a Subject that follows modal verbs


It might rain tomorrow.

It must be a win today .

11. To indicate a Subject which is a Gerunds ( identical to Present Participle forms of verbs but act as noun ) –

Examples – It is driving that I like most .

It is walking which is good for health .

12 . This can also be used to indicate request, suggestion, recommendation, advice, etc.


It is recommended that we must call every applicant for the interview.

It is recommended to call every applicant for the interview.

It is suggested that you must apply for the Research Assistant position.

It is suggested to apply for the Research Assistant position.

It is advisable that you should try another time .

It is advisable to try another time .

It is hereby requested that all of you should keep silent .

It is requested to keep silent.