You are currently viewing Interrogative Sentence- Concept ,  its Types, Uses and Examples

Interrogative Sentence- Concept , its Types, Uses and Examples

This type of sentence is always used to ask questions and always ends with a question mark ( ❓ ) .

Types of Interrogative Sentence –

1 . Verbal or Yes – No or True – False Type – This type of Interrogative Sentence is used to ask question to get a answer as Yes or No . So this is called Yes – No question. This type of sentence starts with a verb , so this is called Verbal question . This type of question is used to know whether the statement is true or false , so this is called TrueFalse question.

Examples – Is he your friend ?

May I come in ?

Are you busy ?

Types of Verbal Questions –

i . Affirmative and Negative –

Examples – Is this your book ?

( Affirmative )

Isn’t this your book ? ( Negative )

Did you go there ? ( Affirmative )

Didn’t you go there ? ( Negative )

ii . Start with Auxiliary Verbs – be, do and have –

Interrogative Sentence starts with ‘be’ verbs –

Present Tense

Am I eligible for the purpose? ( In case the subject is First Person – I )

Is he going there ? ( In case the subject is Third Person Singular Number )

Are we going to an excursion?

Are you ready ?

Are they ready for the match ?

( In case the subject is – First Person – We, Second Person, Third Person Plural Number )

Past Tense –

Was I really eligible for the post ?

Was he going to school ?

( In case the subject is First Person – I or Third Person Singular Number )

Were you going to school ?

Were we really enjoying the match ?

Were they performing enough ?

( In case the subject is First Person – We, Second Person, Third Person Plural Number )

Future Tense – Will be

Will you be there ?

Will I be eligible for the Post ?

Interrogative Sentence starts with ‘ do ‘ –

Do you like this place ?

Does he like this place ?

Do they like this place ?

Did he go there ?

Interrogative Sentence starts with ‘ have ‘ , ‘ has ‘ and ‘ had ‘ –

Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous

Have – When the subject is I, We, You, Third Person Plural Number

Have you done the job ?

Have you been doing the job for two hours?

Has – When the subject is Third Person Singular Number

Has he done the job ?

Has he been doing the job for two hours?

Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous Tense –

Had he done the job before his father arrived ?

Had you been working for thirty years before you got retirement?

Interrogative Sentence starts with Modal Verbs –

Can you do this ?

Will you go there?

May I come in ?

Would you like to take some snacks ?

2 . Choice or Alternative Questions– These type of questions give the listener a choice to choose an answer from the options and options are given in the questions.

Examples – Would you like to take coffee or tea ?

Do you want to become Engineer or Doctor ?

Are you a housewife or a business woman ?

3 . Wh Questions – These type of Interrogative Sentences start with ‘ Wh ‘ words and they are – What , Who , Which ,When, Why, Where, Whom, Whose, How .

Examples – What is the name of your college ?

What is favourite dress ?

What is your next plan ?

( To know about things or actions or some information )

Who is your best friend ? ( To know about people )

Which dish would you like to take? ( To know about specific information )

When did you join the party ? ( To know about time )

Why are you so late? ( To know the reason )

Where will you go tomorrow? ( To know about the place )

Whom does he know here ? ( To ask about people )

Whose pen is this ? ( To know about possession )

How can we do this now ?

How much time will it be taken ?

( To know about the manner or quantity )

4. Tag Questions – These are short questions that we use after a statement and include a verb and a subject . Generally we use a comma after the statement and before the question.

Examples – Rimo is a good dancer , isn’t he ?

He likes modern history , doesn’t he ?

My father won’t permit us , will he ?