- 1st February- Indian Coast Guard Day
- 2nd February-World Wetlands Day
- 4th February- World Cancer Day
- 6th February- International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation
- 10th February- National De- Worming Day
- 11th February- International Day of Women and Girls in Science
- 12th February- National Productivity Day
- 13th February-World Radio Day; Nationals Women’s Day in India (Birth day of Sarojini Naidu)
- 14th February-Valentine Day
- 18th February-Taj Mahotsav or Taj Festival (For Taj Mahal at Agra)
- 20th February- World Day of Social Justice
- 21st February-International Mother Language Day
- 22nd February-World Scout Day
- 24th February-central Excise Day
- 27th February-World NGO Day
- 28th February-National Science Day in India(Discovery of Raman Effect by Sir C.V. Raman in1928 on this day, later he was awarded with Nobel Prize in Physics for this in 1930)
- 28th or 29th February- Rare disease Day
- 2nd to 8th February-International Development Week
- 18th to 27th February-Taj Mahotsav or Taj Festival in 2020