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Gender , Definition, Types with Examples

Definition of Gender –

Gender is a property of a noun or pronoun to indicate whether it is a male, female , common or neuter .

Example – Man – Woman ( singular number)
Men – Women ( plural number)

Types of gender – There are four types of gender –

1. Masculine gender – When a noun or pronoun shows male subtype , it is called masculine gender .

Example – king πŸ‘‘
bull πŸ‚

2. Feminine gender –A noun or pronoun that indicates female subtype is known as feminine gender.

Example – queen πŸ‘‘
cow πŸ„

3. Common gender –Some nouns and pronouns can indicate both male nor female, they are called common gender .

Example – children 🚸
Police πŸš“

4. Neuter gender – Some nouns denote a thing ( neither male nor female ) , they are neuter gender .

Example – ball πŸ€
fruit πŸ“
book πŸ“–

Example of gender change


boy girl
actor actress
tiger tigress
author authoress
husband wife

MasculineFeminine – Common

Father – Mother – Parents

Man – Woman- Person

## To know more about gender see our other post or article here – ( published in this website ) –

## For more list of gender see our YouTube video –