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Does Butterflies taste with feet?প্রজাপতিরা কি পা দিয়ে স্বাদ গ্রহণ করে?

Can a butterfly travel upto 4000 km ? একটি প্রজাপতি কি 4000 কিমি পর্যন্ত যেতে পারে ?

See some amazing facts about Butterfly–

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Does a butterfly taste with its feet? Can a butterfly fly for more than 4000 km? Let’s know-

  1. Butterflies taste the things by their feet. But why? Because they have taste receptors on their feet.
  2. Depending on the species an adult butterfly can live from between a week and few months. The Brimstone butterfly has longest lifetime as adult , up to 9 to 10 months.
  3. There are four parts in the life cycle of a butterfly- i. egg, ii. caterpillars or larva, iii. pupa, iv. adult stage.
  4. Butterfly use a special glue to attach their eggs to leaves.
  5. Butterflies’ eyes can consist 6000 lenses .
  6. The common Buckeye butterfly is one of the most striking species of butterflies and The Giant Swallowtail is one of the biggest butterfly species.
  7. Monarch , a species of butterflies are famous for long migration or journey. They can travel for even more than 4000 km. Females lay eggs and new generation of butterflies returned back to complete the cycle.
  8. Caterpillars eats leaves and flowers. They loses skin many times before being pupa. The first thing they eat the shell of the cocoon. Most of the adult butterflies generally feed on nectar from flowers.
  9. They can see red, green and yellow.
  10. A group of butterflies known as flutter.
  11. A Skipper butterfly can fly faster than the run of a horse.
  12. There are more than 17500 species of butterfly recorded in the world.