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Difference between ‘ Can ‘ and ‘ Could ‘

Difference between ‘ Can ‘ and ‘ Could ‘ –

1 . We use ‘ can ‘ to express ability in Present or Future Tenses. But We can use ‘ could ‘ as the Past form of ‘ can ‘ to express ability in Past Tense .


I can do the job now .( Present Time )

I can do the job tomorrow. ( Future Time )

I could run very fast in my childhood. ( Past Time )

2 . ‘ Can ‘ is used to indicate higher or definite possibility but ‘ could ‘ is used to indicate lower possibility.

Examples– He can get success.

He could have done better to get success.

3 . ‘ Can ‘ is used to express informal requests and ‘ could ‘ is used to express formal requests .


Can you give me a pen , please ?

Could you give me a pen, please ?

4 . ‘ Can ‘ and ‘ Couldboth are used to ask permission but ‘can‘ is used in an informal way and ‘ could ‘ is used in a more polite way .


Can I join the meeting?

Could I join the meeting?

5 . ‘ Can ‘ is used to give permission but ‘could ‘ is not used to give permission.

Example – Yes, you can join the meeting.