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Current English Comprehension and Writing Skills – Upcoming G20 Summit 2023

India is the host of the upcoming G20 or Group of Twenty summit in 2023. It will be take place at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi on 9th and 10th September,2023. It will be the eighteenth G20 meeting. India’s presidency began from 1st December, 2022 which was transferred to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Indonesian President Joko Widodo at close of the Bali summit , 2022. The theme of the G20 summit 2023 is – ” Vasudeva Kutumbakam” in Sanskrit and ” One Earth , One Family , One Future ” . 43 heads of delegation will participate in the summit. It will be largest ever. Special invitee guests countries are – Bangladesh , Egypt , Mauritius , Netherlands , Nigeria , Oman , Singapore , Spain , UAE .

India is hosting G20 meeting before the final summit in several cities around the country. A Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion meeting was recently organised at Biswa Bangla Convention Centre, New Town , Kolkata. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee addressed G20 delegation from members countries. Three days meeting focused on principles of digital financial inclusion, remittance costs , SME or Small and Medium Enterprises finance availability.

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Read the passage and answer the questions below –

A . Provide short answer – 1×4=4

1 . What is the theme of G20 Summit 2023 ?

2 . How many heads of delegation will participate in the G20 Summit 2023 ?

3 . When did the G20 Presidency of India begin ?

4 . Where did the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion meeting held in Kolkata ?

B . Complete the sentences with information from the passage – 3+1=4

1 . Invitee guests countries for G20 Summit 2023 are ————————————————————




2 . G20 Summit 2023 will be held at ————


C . WriteTfor true andFfor false sentences and give Supporting Statement

1 . Before G20 Summit 2023 the summit was organised for 19 times .

Supporting Statement –

2 . G20 Summit 2022 was organised in Bali, Indonesia .

Supporting Statement –

3 . The Final Summit of G20 meeting 2023 will be held in September, 2023.

Supporting Statement –

D . Write a suitable title for the passage.


Writing Skills

1 . Write a short paragraph on upcoming G20 Summit 2023 . 10

2 . Write a Precis based on the above passage. 10

3 . Write a newspaper report about the Global Partnership Financial Inclusion meeting held at Kolkata for the upcoming G20 Summit 2023 . 10

4 . Suppose Department of Economics of your institution has recently organised a seminar on the G20 Summit 2023 . Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the seminar and it’s success. 10

5. India is the host of the G20 Summit 2023. It is a moment of pride for the country. Let’s write a sample conversation among your friends on the above mentioned subject. You can take help from the passage given above.