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Cryogenic Rocket Engine – The Science Story

Cryogenic Rocket Engine

An engine which uses cryogenic fuel and oxidizer, which are gases liquefied and stored at very low temperature. Cryogenic engine uses Liquid Oxygen or LOX and Liquid Hydrogen or LH2 as propellants which liquefy in very low temperature- at -183 degree centigrade and -253 degree centigrade respectively. This propellants are to be pumped by turbo pumps running at around 40000 rpm. They are fed by individual booster pumps to the main turbo pump to ensure high flow rate of propellants into the combustion chamber.

Cryogenic rocket stage provides more thrust for every kilogram of propellants compared to solid and earth -storable liquid propellant rocket stages. It is technically very complex compared to solid or earth-storable liquid propellants.

This highly efficient engine has used efficiently in space science by few countries in the world. It is one of the valuable factor in NASA’s success in reaching the Moon by the Saturn V rocket. Countries like U.S.A., Russia, France, Japan , China and India are using it efficiently. ISRO is using it in its project efficiently also.
India first team was made to build cryogenic engine in 1982. Some early experiments happened in 1986-87, then an Russian agreement happened in 1991.But it was not worked because Technology was not transferred. India managed to import seven such engines from them. Then Indian cryogenic programme fomalised in 1994 when Govt. Of India provide a budget of Rs. 300 crore. Journey started for indegenous technology to launch cryogenic engine .After few tests, preparation, first integration with rocket was possible in 2007 , first flight was occured in 2010 but not succeeded . First successful flight was possible in 2014. It is very vital for GSLV or Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle.IN 2014, on 5th January GSLV D-5 successfully sets GSAT-14 communication satellite in orbit . CE-20 is also a cryogenic rocket engine , which is the first Indian cryogenic Engine to feature a gas – generator cycle. This was designed by LPSC(Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre) ,ISRO and manufactured by HAL and first flight happened on 5th June,2017.

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