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Conditional Sentence – Definition, Types, Examples and Uses

What is a Conditional Sentence?

A Conditional Sentence is a type of sentence that indicates some possibilities and outcomes or proposition or assumption but with condition.

It has mainly two parts – Main Clause and a Conditional Clause . Main Clause indicates what would happen and Conditional Clause indicates the condition behind this .

Examples –

If you talk to her , she will definitely help you .

In this sentence, the Conditional Clause is – If you talk to her ‘ and the Main Clause is – ‘ she will definitely help you ‘.

Types of Conditional Sentences

There are five types of Conditional Sentences –

1 . Zero Conditional Sentence – This type of sentence describes known facts or a general truth or anything scientific or a cause and its effect . In this type of sentence both the main and conditional clause are used in Simple Present Tense.


If you brush well, you get healthy teeth .

If you multiply five to six, you get thirty .

The heatwave blows when it’s summer .

Unless you get up early , you can’t see the rising sun .

2 . Type 1 Conditional Sentence – It indicates a possible situation and its result . The outcome is likely to happen but not guaranteed . The Main Clause uses Future Tense and the Conditional Clause uses the Present Tense. It indicates the open condition.


If you work hard , you will succeed in your next project .

If I go to the office, I will do your task .

If you have no plan , you will not be able to execute .

I will not go to work if the heatwave blows.

3 . Type 2 Conditional Sentence – This type of conditional sentence indicates something hypothetical and its result. In this type the Conditional Clause uses the Past Tense and the Main Clause uses the Present Tense.

Examples –

If I got some money, I would visit Bangkok .

If they booked tickets early , they could get a chance to see the movie .

If you had a chance, you could make a century .

4 . Type 3 Conditional Sentence – This type of conditional sentence indicates an impossible situation in Past and its result in the past . In this type of sentence the Conditional Clause uses the Past Perfect Tense and the Main Clause uses a Perfect Infinitive . It indicates the closed condition.


If my father had known I was arriving , he would have received me at the airport.

If you had started in time, you would have achieved better .

If he had performed better earlier, he wouldn’t have missed the playing eleven .

5 . Mixed Conditional Sentence – This type of sentence indicates a Past situation and its Present result. The Conditional Clause uses the Past Perfect Tense and the Main Clause uses the Present Tense.


If you had prepared well , you would achieve better .

If he had performed well earlier, he would get a chance .