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Concept of Direct and Indirect Object with Examples

There are two types of object in English grammar –
1 .Direct object
2 .Indirect object

1 . Direct object – Direct object is the person or thing that directly receives the effect or the action of the verb .
It answers the question ‘ what ‘ or ‘ who ‘ or ‘ whom

Example – I appreciate him .

In this sentence if I ask – who do I appreciate? The answer is him . So him is direct object.

He bought a car.

In this sentence if we ask – What did he buy ? The answer is car. So car is direct object here.

2 . Indirect object – The object who is the recipient of the direct object, is called indirect object. If there is a indirect object in a sentence, there must be a direct object too.

It answers the question ‘ for what ,’ ‘of what,’ ‘ to what ‘, ‘ for whom,’ ‘ of whom, ‘ ‘ to whom ‘.

Example – The teacher gave him a pen .

In this question ‘ pen ‘ is direct object and him is indirect object. If we ask question –
To whom did the teacher give a pen ? The answer is him. So him is indirect object.

Rohit brought his father a sunglass.

The question is – for whom did Rohit brought a sunglass? The answer is- his father . So his father is indirect object. In this sentence sunglass is direct object.