Nouns – Definition, Types , Examples and Functions
What is Noun ? Noun refers to any naming word. It is a word that refers a person , animal , place, thing , concept , group etc. Example -…
What is Noun ? Noun refers to any naming word. It is a word that refers a person , animal , place, thing , concept , group etc. Example -…
There are two types of object in English grammar -1 .Direct object 2 .Indirect object1 . Direct object - Direct object is the person or thing that directly receives the…
In English grammar , the number refers to the count of any noun or pronoun . Example - Girl - girls , Pen 🖊️ - Pens Types of Number -…
Definition of Gender - Gender is a property of a noun or pronoun to indicate whether it is a male, female , common or neuter . Example - Man -…
Definition of Person - In English grammar Nouns and Pronouns can be divided into different types of Person to distinguish among who is the speaker, to whom something is speaking…
ISRO successfully conducted the RLV LEX or Reusable Launch Vehicle Autonomous Landing Mission at the Aeronautical Test Range ( ATR ) , Chitradurga, Karnataka on 2nd April , 2023 .…
95th Academy Awards or Oscar Awards ceremony 2023 is just over now and held by AMPAS or Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences at Dolby theatre in Los Angeles…
Now Hubballi railway station of Karnataka is registered in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the longest railway platform in the world . The name of the station…