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Article – Definition, Types, Rules, Examples

Definition of Articles –

An article is a word that specify or unspecify a noun. It appears before a noun to show if it’s specific or general or single one.

Example – Please give me the pink shirt.

By using the word ‘ the ‘ , we are specifying the pink shirt.

Please give me a story book.

Here by using ‘ a ‘ , we are representing a general statement and requesting to give any one story book .

Types of Articles –

There are two types of article –

1. Definite article

2. Indefinite article

1. Definite article –

It is an article which specify a particular noun. ‘ The ‘ is definite article. It can seats before countable, uncountable nouns.

Example – Please give me the English book.

Rules of Using –

It appears before a noun to specify the noun . It is used to show something or someone particular .

It is used to show something unique in the universe.

Example – The sun rises in the east.

2. Indefinite article

There are two indefinite article – a and an. These are used to show generally ‘single one ‘ and also not to specify the noun.

Use of ‘a ‘-

It is generally used before a noun word starts with consonant.

Example – He is a good boy.

Exception – Sometimes a word starts with a consonant but it’s unpronounced or pronounced like a vowel. Then we use an before the word instead of a .

Example – An hour – Please meet me after an hour.

He is an MA .

Use of ‘ an ‘ –

It is used basically before a noun word that starts with vowel .

Example – He is an excellent student.

Exception – If a noun starts with vowel but pronounced with a consonant sound like ” you ” or ” w ” , then we use a before it .

Example – He is a university student.

It is a one rupee coin.

Article before Adjective –

Sometimes article can be used before adjective which modifies a noun . It appears like article+ adjective+ noun.

Example – I shall give a special gift.

He has an exceptional idea.

Here article , ‘ a ‘ and ‘ an ‘ used before adjectives special and exceptional .

Articles should not be used with pronouns, uncountable noun.

Article can be used before collective nouns.

Example – He is leading a troop.

Any article need not to be used before sports and academic subjects in general .

Example – She likes to play badminton.

My brother is excellent in Physics.

Abstract ideas don’t need article before it.

Example – Creativity is good for students.