You are currently viewing Adverb- Definition, Types , Examples – Adverbial Clause and Phrase

Adverb- Definition, Types , Examples – Adverbial Clause and Phrase

What is Adverb ?

Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives and even adverbs . These are used to describe when,where, how and to what extent something occurs .

Example – Samir draws nicely .

She walks fast .

My brother is extremely efficient.

Types of Adverb

1 . Sentence Adverbs– These are the Adverbs , which modify entire sentence and generally set off with commas .

These are used to express a view point or for making evaluation .


Fortunately, he can join the meeting.

Positively, they have informed me in time .

Luckily, the disaster team reacted instantly .

2. Conjunctive Adverbs or Linking Adverbs – These are the Adverbs used to connect two independent clauses and turn the second one into an adverbial modifier of the first .

These are also called Linking Adverbs.

They can be used as transition words and indicate comparison, clarification, condition, contrast and consequences.

List of Adverbial Conjunctions or Conjunctive Adverbs –

Time -: Since, Now, Before, Meanwhile, Lately

Effect – Accordingly, Consequently, Then, Hence, Therefore

To Compare – As, Like, Similarly, Likewise

To Contrast – But, Instead, Rather, In spite of, However

To Summarize – Briefly, In conclusion, Quickly, In Summary, Merely

To exemplify – For example, For instance, Namely, Typically, Representatively

To emphasize – Definitely, Certainly, Indeed, Of course, Undoubtedly

Sequence – First, Next, In addition, Finally, Furthermore, Moreover

Example – His father received an honour ; therefore , he is giving the party .

The event will be held tonight; however , we are still looking for photographer.

You will join the service ; meanwhile, you can complete the course .

She was with her mother all the day; moreover, she looked after her mother with care.

3. Adverbs of degree – These adverbs are used to qualify verbs, adjectives or adverbs by expressing extent or degree.

Example – absolutely, extremely, slightly, enough, very, almost, quite

Example of sentences

The matter is very secret.

The exercises are extremely effective.

The work is almost done .

He is clever enough.

Her decision is quite perfect .

4. Adverbs of manner – These are used to describe how an action is occured or how something happens.

Example – He walks slowly .

She works steadily.

If the verb has a direct object then the adverb should be placed before the verb or at the end of the sentence.

Example – He slowly walks in the morning .

He walks slowly in the morning .

Both of these two sentences are correct .

5 .Adverbs of place – These are used to provide information about the location of any action , like – position, distance , direction .

These are used generally after the main verb .

Example – You must come here .

The smell is spreading everywhere.

Some words can be used as Adverb of place as well as Preposition. They considered as Preposition if the sentence has an object and considered as Adverb if the sentence has no object .

6. Adverbs of time – These are the Adverbs used to describe when something happens and generally sit at the end of the sentence.

Example – today, tomorrow, yesterday

Example of sentences

We will talk tomorrow.

I am going to a function today.

He went to the market yesterday .

7. Adverbs of duration – These are used to describe the length of the time something happens for .

Example – forever, shortly , temporarily, permanently, briefly.

Example of sentences

He works there temporarily.

The problem will be solved shortly .

8. Adverbs of frequency – These are used to indicate how often something happens.

They can be divided in two types

i . Adverbs of indefinite frequency – These are used to indicate how often something happens but don’t provide exact timeframe and used generally before the main verb .

Example – always, never, sometimes, often, seldom

Example of sentences

He always work as per plan .

Her parents often visit her hostel .

ii . Adverbs of definite frequency – These are used to indicate specific timeframe that how often something happens. Generally sit at the end of the sentence.

Example – hourly, daily ,weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly

Example of sentences

He visits to his home city yearly.

The officer checks the account monthly .

9. Adverbs of purpose or Adverbs of Reason or Adverbs of Cause and Effect – These are used to explain why something happens. They are also known as Adverbs of reason .

They can also be adverbial phrases instead of individual word.

Example – since, therefore, etc.

Example of sentences

He has just retired ; therefore , he received many gifts .

10. Interrogative Adverbs – These are used to introduce a question .

They are – when, why, where and how .

Example of sentences

How will you join the meeting?

When did he come ?

11 . Focusing Adverbs – These adverbs are used to emphasize a particular part of the sentence and generally sit next to the word they are drawing attention to .

Example – just, especially, only, either, neither, even

Example of sentences

Rahul likes travelling, especially adventurous.

He has provided only a single topic .

12. Adverbs of Affirmation or Negation – These are used to indicate whether the sentence is affirmative or negative.

Examples – yes, no, not , never

Yes , he has done it. This is not necessary. He never avoid his duties.

13. Relative Adverbs – These are used to introduce dependent or relative clauses .

These are – why, when, where .

Relative clause contains a subject and verb but can’t express a complete thought .


This is the place where they visited .

It happened when we were busy .

Tell me the reason why he is not present .

14. Adverbial Clause and Adverbial Phrase – These are the clauses and phrases used to modify the verbs, adjectives or other adverbs in sentence .

Adverbial Clause and Adverbial Phrase both are combination of multiple words . Adverbial Clause has Subject and Verb while the Adverbial Phrases don’t have any Subject or Verb .


He tried to finish the job until he was exhausted. ( Adverbial Clause)

We appeared without any preparation. ( Adverbial Phrase)