An Inspirational message and song were sent to Venus via NASA’s Deep Space Network or DSN. The song was taken from the song ‘The Rain ( Supa Dupa Fly)’ by hip-hop artist Missy Elliott. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California sent the transmission at 10:05 a.m. PDT on Friday, 12th July. DSN is the most sensitive telecommunication service of NASA’s Space Communication and Navigation ( SCaN ) programme and has an array of giant radio antennas . These allowed missions to track, send commands and receive scientific data from spacecraft venturing to the moon and beyond. The transmission was made by the 34 metre wide Deep Space Station 13 radio dish antenna located at the Deep Space Network’s Goldstone Deep Space Communication Complex , near Barstow in California . The song travelled almost 158 million miles from Earth to Venus and it was transmitted at the speed of light . It took 14 minutes to reach the planet. It is for the first time a hip – hop song was sent to Venus.
Writing Skills – ✍️
1 . Write a report for a science magazine about the above incident. 10
2 . Suppose you are so astonished after listening to this news. Write a letter to your childhood science teacher describing your feelings. 10
3. Make a poster based on the above passage.