You are currently viewing A list of One Word Substitution-  Including different types of Studies and Professionals

A list of One Word Substitution- Including different types of Studies and Professionals

One word substitution

The life history of a person written by himself – Autobiography

One who doesn’t believe in God – Atheist

An assembly of listeners – Audience

A Person who practices craft – Artisan

One who plays game for pleasure but not professionally – Amateur

Without the name of the author – Anonymous

Study of customs of primitive man – Agriology

Art and practice of designing and construction of buildings . – Architecture

An expert in Architecture – Architect

Study related to stars, planets, sky , satellite etc. – Astronomy

One who studies the science of star, planet, sky, satellite etc. – Astronomer

A traveler through outer space – Astronaut

The want if government in a country – Anarchy

Which can be approached – Accessible

A person who is an expert in insurance – Actuary

Public building in which the audience sits – Auditorium

A place where birds are kept – Aviary

A place where bees are kept – Apiary

A person who represents his country for economical, political and other interests in another country – Ambassador

The science related to the development of mankind – Anthropology

One who resides in country of which he is not a citizen – Alien

An artificial pond to keep and show living fish – Aquarium

Which can be heard – Audible

Which can’t be heard – Inaudible

Study of human society, culture and development – Anthropology

Expert in Anthropology – Anthropologist

Study of past culture of human – Archaeology

Expert in Archaeology – Archaeologist

Study of the structure of animals and plants – Anatomy

Yearly return of the date – Anniversary

Which belongs to a distant past – Ancient

Study of wind – Anemology

From whom one is descended – Ancestor

A person trained for physical exercise or outdoor sports – Athlete

Study of algae – Algology / Phycology

Study of flowers – Anthology

One who abandons his religious faith -Apostate

Government by nobles – Autocracy

Study of bees – Apiology

Science of life and living things – Biology

A man who remains unmarried – Bachelor

Unable to pay debt – Bankrupt / Insolvent

The life history of a person written by another person – Biography

Study of Life – Biology

Expert in Biology – Biologist

Study of chemical reactions – Biochemistry

Expert in Biochemistry – Biochemist

Who writes about the life of other person – Biographer

Practice of having two wives or husbands – Bigamy

Which happens after every two years – Biennial

Study of physical characteristics of living system -: Biophysics

Study of technology for the biological processes of organisms – Biotechnology

Expert in Biotechnology – Biotechnologist

A person who smuggles alcoholic liquor or sells illegally – bootlegger

Study related to plants – Botany

Expert in Botany – Botanist

Government by officials – Bureaucracy

Study of Bryophytes – Bryology

List of months , weeks , days of a particular year – Calendar

A hundred years – Century

Dead body of a human being- Corpse

Dead body of an animal – Carcase

That can be spread by touch – Contagious

A list of goods / books / designs – Catalogue

Pertaining to the sky – Celestial

A person who deals in sweets – Confectioner

Which makes difficult to recognise the presence – Camouflage

Ground and area of a school or college or institution or university where the main buildings are – Campus

Study of heart and its functions – Cardiology

Expert in Cardiology – Cardiologist

Study of map – Cartography

Study of climate – Climatology

Expert in Climatology – Climatologist

Study of Cosmetics – Cosmetology

Official in charge of a museum – Curator

Study of shells – Conchology

Study of whales – Cetology

From all part of the world / One who is familiar with many different countries – Cosmopolitan

Group of military operations with a set of purpose usually in one area – Campaign

Government run by an absolute ruler – Dictatorship

Study of skulls – Craniology

Study of crime and criminal – Criminology

Study of cells – Cytology

Study of Chemical and reactions – Chemistry

Expert in Chemistry – Chemist

Study of trees and shrubs – Dendrology

A person who lives on other and doesn’t work – Drone

A Government run by the representatives of the people – Democracy

Study of diet – Dietetics

Expert in Dietetics – Dietician

One who is descended from a particular ancestor – Descendant

A place where ships are built – Dockyard

Done without any previous preparation – Extempore

Study of organisms and their environment – Ecology

A branch of science and technology concerned with the design , building and uses of engines, machines and tools – Engineering

An expert in Engineering – Engineer

Expert in Ecology – Ecologist

Study of Economy – Economics

Expert in Economy – Economist

Study of embryos – Embryology

A person who holds extreme views – Extremist

Sudden happening which need quick action – Emergency

A person who goes another country from his own country to settle – Emigrant

A person sent on a official mission – Emissary

Study of insect – Entomology

Expert in Entomology – Entomologist

Study of cultural heritage – Ethnology

Study of causes and reasons – Etiology

A book of knowledge and information –

Study of life in space – Exobiology

Who wastes money for luxury – Extravagant.

A person who sends goods to another country – Exporter

Fit to be eaten – Edible

Study of animal behaviour – Ethology

Study of words and their origins – Etymology

Resulting in death – Fatal

One who believes implicitly in fate – Fatalist

Study of flower farming – Floriculture

Study of grasses – Graminology / Agrostology

Subject to death – Mortal

Study of Earth and its physical structures and substance – Geology

An expert in Geology – Geologist

Study of Earth and its physical features, atmosphere, human lives and environment – Geography

An expert in Geography – Geographer

Study of handwriting – Graphology

Expert in Graphology – Graphologist

Study of gems and jewels – Gemmology

Study about the care of elderly or Study of different aspects of aging – Gerontology

Expert in Gerontology – Gerontologist

Incapable of making mistakes or doing wrong – Infallible

Study of blood – Haematology / Hematology

Expert in Haematology – Haematologist / Haematologist

Study of water – Hydrology

Expert in Hydrology – Hydrologist

Study of cultivation of fruits, ornamental plants, vegetables, flowers – Horticulture

Expert in Horticulture – Horticulturist

Study of liver – Hepatology

Study of horses – Hippology

Murder of human beings – Homicide

Study of parasitic worms – Helminthology

Study of reptiles and amphibians – Herpetology

Study of the tissues of organisms – Histology

Study of past and evolution of human civilization – History

Related to history or concerning past event – Historical

Important in history – Historic

Which can be corrected or reformed- Corrigible

Work without pay and with honor – Honorary

Which can’t be accessed or approached – Inaccessible

Study of fish – Ichthyology

Who can’t be selected as per the rules – Ineligible

Who can be selected as per the rules – Eligible

Which can’t be blotted out or effaced – Indelible

Study of ideas – Ideology

Which can’t be done without – Indispensable

Which can’t be destroyed – Indestructible

Which can’t be explained – Inexplicable

Soldiers who fight on horse – back – infantry

Person having no belief in religion – Infidel

Which can’t be divided – Indivisible

Receive as an heir as the death of a previous holder – Inherit

Which can’t be corrected or reformed – Incorrigible

Going back from the reach of the memory – Immemorial

A person who brings goods from another country – Importer

A person who comes to a new country to settle – Immigrant

Study of immune system – Immunology

No favoring one more than another – Impartial

Which can’t be perceived by senses – Imperceptible

Still not developed fully – Immature

Which can be understood easily – Intelligible

That may be easily set in fire – Inflammable

Who can’t make any mistake – Infallible

That which can’t be believed – Incredible

Which is going to be happened surely – Inevitable

Which can be spread by means of germs carried in the atmosphere or in water – Infectious.

Which can’t be recalled or altered – Irrevocable

Difficult or impossible to read – illegible

Unable to read or write – illiterate

Which can’t be solved – Insoluble

Which can’t be conquered – Invincible

Study of structure and function of cell nucleus – Karyology

Expert in human beauty – Beautician

Study of human beauty – Katology

A place where lab works, chemical reaction or practical works happen – Laboratory

Study of lichens – Lichenology

Where books are collected for readers – Library

An expert in Library Science / An professional who manages library – Librarian

A song to put baby to sleep – Lullaby

Study of inland water – Limnology

Study of lipid – Lipidology

A man who studies languages scientifically- Linguist

Study of ants – Myrmecology

Study of music – Musicology

An expert in music – Musician

Study of the mollusk – Malacology

Study of climate and weather – Meteorology

Expert in Meteorology – Meteorologist

Study of mammals – Mammology

A work of outstanding skills, artistry – Masterpiece

Handwritten document – Manuscript

Study of microscopic life or microorganisms – Microbiology

An expert in Microbiology – Microbiologist

One who undergoes a penalty of death for persistence in his faith – Martyr

One who fights for money – Mercenary

Study of museum – Museology

Study of Fungi – Mycology

A person who loves wealth for his own sake and don’t want to spend it – Miser

Study of sums, maths and equation – Mathematics

An expert in Mathematics – Mathematician

Related to magic – Magical

An expert in magic – Magician

Something boring or dull – Monotonous

Who believes in one God – Monotheist

Practice of being married to only one person at a time – Monogamy

A person who practices minimalism – Minimalist

One who hates mankind – Misanthropist

Study of muscular system – Myology

Study of structure of organisms – Morphology

Study of nervous system- Neurology

An expert in Neurology- Neurologist

Helping or supporting neither side – Neutral

Study of nephron – Nephrology

An expert in Nephrology – Nephrologist

Study of clouds – Nephology

Study of diseases – Nosology

One having a evil reputation – Notorious

Study of new born baby upto 2 years of age – Neonatology

Study of brain – Neuroanatomy

An expert in the field of nutrition – Nutritionist

Which is no longer in use – Obsolete

Study of teeth – Odontology

An expert in dental science and medicine – Dentist

Study of cultivation of vegetables – Olericulture

One who is all – powerful – Omnipotent

One who is present everywhere – Omnipresent

One who eats everything – Omnivore

One who knows everything – Omniscient

Study of tumor – Oncology

An expert in Oncology – Oncologist

Study of wines – Oenology

Study of eyes – Ophthalmology

One who treats eye diseases – Ophthalmologist

Study of Ocean – Oceanography

An expert in Oceanography – Oceanographer

One who looks at the bright side of a thing – Optimist .

That can’t be seen through – Opaque

Study of eggs – Oology

Study of light – Optics

One who makes an eloquent public speech – Orator

Study of ears – Otology

Study of snakes – Ophiology

A child whose parents are death – Orphan

An expert of human bones and structure – Orthopaedic

Study of the organs of animals and plants – Organology

Study of the skeleton system – Osteology

Notice of a person’s death – Obituary

Study of birds – Ornithology

An expert in Ornithology – Ornithologist

Study related to lungs and chest – Pulmonology

An expert in Pulmonology – Pulmonogist

Study of ancient human – Palaeoanthropology

Study of ancient life – Paleobiology

Study of the fossil – Palaeontology

A person who is a great lover of his country – Patriot

Study of pollen grains – Palynology

A base on which a statute or column is mounted – Pedestal

Study of soils – Pedology

Study of rocks – Petrology

Study related to child – Pediatrics

An expert in Pediatrics – Pediatrician

Study of ancient animal – Paleozoology

Study of Parasite – Parasitology

Study of disease – Pathology

An expert in Pathology – Pathologist

A person who loves or serves mankind – Philanthropist

One who collects postage – stamps – Philatelist

Study of nature and properties of matter and energy – Physics

Related to the body – Physical

An expert in physiotherapy – Physiotherapist

Study of supernatural beings – Phantomology

Study of periodic Biological phenomenon –

Study of speech sounds – Phonology

Study related to words phrases – Phraseology

Study of drug – Pharmacology / Pharmacy

An expert in Pharmacology or Pharmacy – Pharmacologist / Pharmacist

Study of postage stamp – Philately

Study of human mind and behaviour – Psychology

An expert in Psychology – Psychologist

Related to human mind – Psychological

Treatment of mental disease – Psychiatry

One Who treats a mental patient – Psychiatrist

Study of ancient text and historical languages – Philology

Study of fruits – Pomology

Study of war – Polemology

A plant or animal who draws sustenance from another – Parasite

Study of algae – Phycology

Study of characteristics of organisms – Physiology

An expert in Physiology – Physiologist

Study of plants – Phytology

Study of fire – Pyrology

One who takes a dark side of things – Pessimist

Study of the fundamental nature of knowledge – Philosophy

An expert in Philosophy – Philosopher

A person walking along a road or in a developed area – Pedestrian

A cure of all the diseases – Panacea

One Who knows many languages – Polyglot

Happening after the death – Posthumous

One who is going to a holy place – Pilgrim

Custom of having more than one wife at the same time – Polygamy

Custom of having more than one husband at the same time – Polyandry

An operation performed on a dead body to find out the cause of death – Post – mortem

Government by the people or their elected representatives – Republic

Study related to Robot – Robotics

Study related to radiation – Radiology

An expert in radiology – Radiologist

Study of the nose and olfactory organs – Rhinology

Study of the society – Sociology

An expert in Sociology – Sociologist

Study of lizards – Saurology

Study of the immunological properties and serum – Serology

One who always doubts – Sceptic

Happening in the same time – Simultaneously

Person who searched for usable objects among rubbish or animals that search for decaying flesh as food – Scavenger

One who is made to suffer for another – scapegoat

Study of the moon – Selenology

Study of the earthquake – Seismology

Machine measure earthquake – Seismograph

A person who transport good illegally or secretly into or out of the country – Smuggler

A person who spends extravagantly –

Study of internal organs – Splanchology

Study of stats and data – Statistics

An expert in Statistics – Statistician

Study of ligament – Syndesmology

A woman who remains unmarried – Spinster

Study of human characteristics – Somatology

Study of stories and legends – Storiology

A person indifferent to both pleasure and pain – Stoic

Study of seals – Sigillography

Study of caves – Speleology

The branch associated with the naming and classification of organisms – Taxonomy

One who believes in the existence of God – Theist

Study of religion – Theology

An expert in Theology – Theologist

Study of heat – Thermology

A container to store hot water – Thermoflux

Study of wounds – Traumatology

A person who visits different country and places for pleasure – Tourist

Study of characteristics and history of a place – Topology

Study of the different features of land – Topography

Study of nutrition – Trophology

Allowing light to pass through so that object behind can be seen – Transparent

One who abstains from alcoholic drinks – Teetotaller

Study of adverse effect in the living organisms – Toxicology

A study related to use of modern technique – Technology

An expert in technique – Technologist

Who eats human flesh – Cannibal

All of one mind / All are agreed together – Unanimous

One who lends money at exorbitant rates of interest – Usurer

Study of urine and related diseases – Urology

An expert in Urology – Urologist

Study of viruses – Virology

An expert in Virology – Virologist

One who had long experience of service or occupation or has grown old in that service or occupation – Veteran

One who abstains from animal foods , especially meat – Vegetarian

Study of Volcanoes – Volcanology

Which can be seen – Visible

Study of flags – Vexillology

Which can’t be seen – Invisible

A man whose wife is dead – Widower

A woman whose husband is dead – Widow

A place to keep clothes – Wardrobe

Study of fermentation process – Zymology

A place where animals, reptiles and birds are kept for the entertainment of people – Zoo

Study of animals – Zoology

An expert in Zoology – zoologist

Study of handicapped animals – Zoonosology

Study of beer – Zythology