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Flying to the Space ?

The Space Shuttle-

Flying to the space? Let’s know about the Space Shuttle created by NASA. Space Shuttle is a partially reusable low Earth orbital spacecraft system. This was operated by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration ) U.S.A. from 1981 to 2011.

Its official program was Space Transportation System (S T S). Five of them were flown for total 135 missions from 1981 to 2011 from Kennedy Space Center , Florida.

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They were used in many Operational missions to launch satellites, interplanetary probes, conducting science experiments, construction and servicing of the International Space Station, Launching of Hubble Space Telescope (H S T ) .

The first orbiter was Enterprise, which was built in 1976 but fully operational orbiters were built later. They were- Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis. Among these Challenger was lost in 1986 and Columbia was lost in 2003 due to mission accidents. Then another fully operational orbiter was built in 1991 , named Endeavour. So total five fully operational orbiters were used in different missions.

The Space Shuttle was retired on 21st July, 2011 after the final flight of Atlantis.

I S R O ( Indian Space Research Organisation ) successfully launched a Reusable Launch Vehicle ( R L V ) or its first mini Space Shuttle on 23rd May, 2016 as a test of its actual project.

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